Made the mistake of snoozing my alarm when it went off at 5am, Gggrrrrr I then didn't wake up until 8;20am and felt like I was then playing catch up with the day. I was determined not to let it ruin my day though so I got up and tidied around, put the lounge throws in the wash with the Comfort Softener I have been testing so it can give the lounge that same fresh washing smell. I even put a bit in my wax melt burner to spread the smell around the house.
I had to wait in for a redelivery from DPD as I was hoping it would be the Christmas fragrances from Potters Crouch Candles, which it was in the end, but not until 6:30pm :-/

I started re-filling my packing cubes with holiday stuff ready for the Bali Trip in October. I like to have a lot of stuff already packed in advance, so will go into town soon and buy another set of socks and boxers to pack away.
I decided to get my weights out of the shed so I can start doing a few each day to try and get in better shape for Bali. I know I can't commit to going to the gym at the moment as my head isn't in the right space. If I can at least start with small steps it's better than what I am currently doing. I want to get back into my morning Yoga too as I enjoyed that when it was part of my morning routine.
I was reflecting on my review of the play I went to see on Tuesday night with my friend Lynne. Another Friend Enid went to see the same show this afternoon and I just wanted to show how one situation can be seen totally differently by two people. Obviously, everyone has an opinion in this day and age with social media, but just because someone has a different opinion to you, does that mean one of you has to be wrong? I went to see the play at short notice knowing anything about it and was expecting to be entertained and maybe looking for something light-hearted to pick me up. My friend Enid, however, knew of the play so knew what she was expecting and so judged the acting and the presentation of the performances. Both of us had very different experiences of the same moment yet we watched the same thing.
I actually feel quite bad for being so quick to slate the play. I hadn't done any research into what I was going to watch so how was I in a good position to judge whether it lived up to my expectations when I hadn't really set any, to begin with? A group of people had rehearsed for months and learned what were at times very long scenes, some of which were monologues, which is no easy task. There was I casually dismissing the acting skills and talent, simply because I 'didn't get it". Well perhaps if I had known the premise of the play, to begin with I might have gone in there with a different mindset and had a completely different experience?
In a time when the theatre is struggling and needs bums on seats, I am disappointed in myself for discouraging people from going. It would have been a much better approach to ask people to go and give you their own opinion.
The whole thing made me realise just how easy it is to sit behind a keyboard and be very vocal about things and say stuff that you probably wouldn't say if you were asked your opinion face to face. At the time had someone challenged my opinion I would probably have felt the need to defend it as nobody likes to think they are wrong. However, in hindsight, even though that was my experience at the time, I maybe didn't give the play a fair chance. So for that reason, I would like to apologise to those involved in the production (not that any of them will be reading my blog or Facebook statuses) but if I am brave enough to say negative things publicly it's only fair to be prepared to apologise publically too.
Also, someone even commented 'oh my brother was in that' and I was that wrapped up in how I felt about the play, I failed to acknowledge how my words might have affected her. Imagine a family member is in a play and you are so proud of them and someone decides to slate it because they didn't even know what they were going to watch? To be fair she handled it very graciously.
This is also one of the reasons I rarely read reviews before booking a holiday. If I like the look of it and it seems like my kind of place and I can afford it I book it. I then go into the experience without any negative reviews in the back of my mind and just experience it for myself. Some people's idea of a nightmare holiday might be Karaoke once a week in the hotel. That would be great for me. My flight being delayed 12 hours on the way home from Lanzarote was a nightmare for some people and they were in floods of tears. I saw it as an extra day in Lanzarote and upgrade to a 5star hotel, so had no issue with it. Everyone had the same experience but every passenger on the flight I'm sure felt differently about the situation.
The moral of the story, when someone says they are taking you out for dinner, don't go out expecting a steak, go to MacDonalds for a cheeseburger and then slate MacDonalds for doing what they do best because you were expecting a steak. Manage your expectations.
'sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfilment of one's hopes or expectations'
If you haven't set realistic ones to begin with then I guess you are bound to be disappointed.
