Well today was not the day I planned. But maybe it was the day I needed?

Woke up at 5am and read some more of my next book as I have now completed 2 so far since last month and I am going to try and finish another this month then I am on track for 12 this year. It's actually a lot easier than I thought as I just read while having my morning coffee to make the most use of that time in the morning.
I had put a wash on first thing and then when I came downstairs after doing yoga and getting dressed I came down to water all over the kitchen floor that had come from the washing machine :-/
At first I thought Bella had pee's then realised there was way too much lol.

I had to wait for the cycle to finish so got a big towel to soak up the water. I was going to spin the water out but then realised I would need the washing machine :-/ That would be a long rinse-and-repeat cycle lol. Anyway after it finished I mopped up the water and pulled out the washing machine. It looked quite dry behind and all the pipes were dry, so I unscrewed the thingy mi bob at the front (dunno what it's called but I've seen it done on some website or other). It had a 20p, a 2p and loads of soaking wet fluff that had almost covered the filter. I emptied it an then spun the wet towels and no water seemed to some out again. I've put it back in place and will try another wash tomorrow an see if it leeks again. If not I might just well have bloody fixed it :-) I won't count my chickens just yet though. Say tuned tomorrow.

That's the thingy on the bottom of he washer that I unscrewed. I would suggest getting a bowl underneath and giving it a check now and then that it's not blocked (top tip lol).
Before I set off out my morning appointment text to rearrange as she had her days mixed up because she had a funeral. So it was probably meant to be since I have a kitchen flood to contend with :-/
Took Bella to the vets to see what they advise fo her alergies to stop her itching. Ive got to keep her on the tablet - £97 a month! But she said they are only effective on environmental allergies so also to take her diet right back to the least likely allergen which is fish and potatoes :-/ So I have changed the Pure Pet food subscription to Salmon. She said I need to put the food down for 20 minutes and if she doesn't eat it take it away. No treats in between and then do the same at dinner. She might go on a hunger strike in protest for a few days but eventually, she will start eating it. Here's hoping.

I wish I had known chicken was the biggest cause of allergies when I've been ordering the bloody chicken one. I could have been stocking up with Salmon. I dont mind what I have to give her if it stops her being uncomfortable. So to ease her in (and cos I have no salmon pure pet food n stock. I bought her some cod filets and cooked her one with some mash. she ate a lot of it and then I wrapped the rest up to try her with tomorrow.
I'll tell you wha I did notice when I went to the supermarket looking for fish-based treats. Manufacturers of dog and cat treats and very misleading with their packaging. I found some cat treats saying made with 100% tuna and thought "oh that might be okay for her". At first glance you might think its was 100% tuna ( I know I did) but then on the back its got chicken and other stuff in it.
I had this with some dog treat that said 100% chicken breast but it had rawhide in it. I now they get round it by saying made WITH not made FROM but it's still misleading. They shouldn't be allowed to put 100% Tuna in big writing as most people wouldn't read the small print. It should just say made with tuna. and not use the 100% CON !!
Tha's todays round up !