Started the day with Yoga at 10am (we had a later start with it being the weekend) and we are going to try and do the 30 days challenge every day until we go to Istabul.
Bell is back to scratching like she was before I went away and is still ont he same diet, so I can only think that it is a combination of food and environment. So I am going to keep her on the fish diet as she was fine on htat before I went sway, but also give her a bath tomorrow in case she is allergic to something at mums, and hopefully soothe her irritation. Once I have got her back to normal again, I can see if I can introduce other foods cos this fish diet is costing me a bloody fortune.

Speaking of fish, bought some tuna from B&M's, and one of the tins was dinted so must have let some air in. It stunk and when I opened it...
I nearly threw up :-/ Needless to say I didn't keep it to take it back I just took a pic and saved the other tins in the pack and will be asking for a replacement pack. I p[ut it in side a plastic bag and in he bin outside as couldn't stand to have it in the kitchen bin. EEeeeww Vile.
Picked Kirsty up from hers and then took Bella out for a walk before getting ready for Adam's Birthday in Coleshill. I'd said I would drive and I was looking forward to my first proper party since going Alcohol-Free.
Once I was ready Steph, Freya and Sarah arrived at mine so we jumped straight in my car and went and picked mum up., Road Trip!

I|t was an easy drive and the roads were quite clear. We set off at about 6pm but the time I have got mum from hers. Even with a stop at the services we arrived at 7:50pm. I wasn't sure if it was a surprise or not to Adam, seeing us there so didn't know if he'd been told we were going.
There was Karaoke on and a DJ. The music was a bit random for a 40th it was more the kind of music you would play for a 60th but maybe he was told to play to the main age group in the room? One of the things I never do at party's is go up and get buffet as I am always conscious of it, from my DJing days. I used to think people would be saying "look at the DJ helping himself". Even if the party person had told me to get some. So I thought I would take myself out of my comfort zone as I am not going to have alcohol as that confidence crutch anymore. And guess what? Nobody died! I don't know why it's always bothered me so much what other people think. That's the problem with alcohol I would have it so that I would no longer be conscious of what other people thought, but then probably do stuff I shouldn't do cos I was then oblivious to other people around me. Hopefully not drinking will make me work on my inner confidence and stop worrying about what strangers I've never met think.
We had a good night and left at about 11:30pm but part way through the journey the clocks went forward an hour so ended up getting in bed a about 3am. Goosed!
I didn't actually mind not drinking. I had one 0% Kopperberg Cider when I first arrived just to make me feel involved but then decided not to bother getting any more as it's just like drinking a really sweet fizzy drink, which Im not into. Plus not drinking is meant to save me money and 0% alternatives aren't much cheaper than the real thing so it seemed pointless.
I am actually now 2 months Alcohol-Free as of Thursday just gone but I decided I will just wait until the end of the month and then just do it as of the end of each month to make it easier. I know that means I'll be about 9 weeks in when I celebrate 2 months but I'm not bothered about counting he days/weeks really.