I am a firm believer that the universe often delivers what we ask for and I often practice Cosmic Ordering and positive affirmations etc.
A few weeks ago Michelle and Jules came over from Leeds for food and drinks and stayed over. Whilst they were here the subject of filling your life with experiences etc came up and I explained about my "Life List". It's a bit similar to a Bucket List but it's just a book I write things in that I want to do and I just add to it constantly. I just got fed up with always saying "Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda" and never actually doing it. I used the example that I had never tried smoked salmon and would often be in a resuratn looking at the menu and see it and say "Oooh Ive always wanted to try smoked salmon" then when the waiter asked what I look for starter I would say "Prawn Cocktail please" or some other safe choice that I had tried previously.
So I wanted to start to write all these things down in a book whether it be small things like trying a certain food or bigger things like doing a bungee jumo. Then rule would be that the next time something presents itself to me thats in the book, I have to do it.
I had mentioned I wanted to start such a book years ago to my friend Rachel, so Christmas 1994 she bought me this lovely padded cover book with lined pages.
She wrote a message inside to state my intention for the book and I have been using it ever since.
Anyway, I ended up getting the book for them to have a look through so they could see some of the things I had already done as well as the tings I have yet to do.
They came across an entry that just said "Abseil" and mentioned that they had signed up for a charity abseil down the side of the Crown Plaza Hotel in Harrogate. I thought OMG it's meant to be, and asked if I could maybe sign up. Sadly it was full :-(
Anyway I got a call this evening from Michelle asking if I still wanted to do the abseil (which is tomorrow) as someone had cancelled. So guess what I'm doing tomorrow morning? Yup I'm abseiling down the side of the Crown Plaza Hotel. you had to try to raise £125 sponsorship for the Yorkshire Cat Sancturary when they originally singed up, but as it was last minute they said it would just be £25. As it was for such a good cause and I love animals I just said I would pay the full amount myself so they raised more money.
Wish me luck ;-)