Woke up at 5am and got stuff did !
Headed off to Cumbria at 11am to an appointment at an account that hasn't ordered in a long time. The drive was lovely and sunny and blue skies all the way which weas a big change from the grey I left behind. Kinda feels like my life right now ;-)

The buyer and colleagues liked a lot of my companies but the buyer had to go the docs after an hour or so, but we still managed to do two orders and I left the brochures with them. I love the feeling of making an account ACTIVE when it has been INACTIVE for a while. Hopefully, they will become regular customers and I can get more companies in each time. They did want to do a third company while I was there but sadly I already have an account nearby for that one. :-(
On he drive back the sky had taken a different turn, but funnily enough even though the sky was full of dark clouds, all I could see was the suns rays shining through. Funny how your mindset can affect your point of view.

Booked out flights to Bali in Crete for May to go and see Jackie so that's another holiday to look forward to. I can't wait to chill out there and spend some time with Jackie. I am also going to book a dive while I am there as there is a dive centre in the village that's meant to be good. I've heard good things about the dives and views in Bali.
Short and sweet post today as got tings to do :-)