Well, today's blog will be quite short as there wasn't really much to report. Most of the day it was grey and overcast with rain at regular intervals. Pretty much like my mood, covered with a dark cloud. I spent the day home alone doing admin work and sorting stuff for The new Virtual Tavern CIC so that we can then close off the old limited company and close off that chapter and move on to better things.
Got an interesting message from someone who is big in the comedy circuit to ask if we wanted to put on an event next year to raise funds for the tavern. It isn't something I had thought of before and I certainly don't want to look like we are following in the footsteps of a previous member of the team. However, he was doing it long before another duo set up and it's a great opportunity to bring in some much-needed revenue for the tavern, so watch this space.

My friend Kath came round to cue my hair as it wasn't starting to get a bit long. She is so lovely, she cuts hair for a living but refuses to take money off me for doing mine. She said it's a good opportunity for a regular catch-up. I don't need to tell her what to do with it she just knows my hair now. It's her 60th on Friday and she is having a bit of a get-together Saturday and I just know she will hate the spotlight being on her. She is the worlds worst person at taking a compliment. If you say, 'your hair looks nice' her instant reaction would be something like 'oh god it needs washing' or ' its a mess today'. She finds it hard to just accept the compliment and simply say thank you. I hope she gets showered with compliments on Saturday and she will just have to get used to them. I gave her one of my more established pepper plants with a white ceramic pot before she left so that she wasn't leaving empty-handed. I am much happier giving to other people than receiving things.