It's now Wednesday and I feel back to normal again. I am seriously considering doing Sober October, but the problem is I've got a couple of social events in October and I just don't know if I can put up with drunk people when I'm the sober one lol. I am going to be in Bali for 2 weeks of the month though so that should be easy as not going to be drinking while we are there as we have lots of diving to do. I might ease myself in gently and try and cut down on the nights out and have water in between and see how I feel. at least I will be able to remember the whole night if I don't drink. That's always a worry when you don't remember the last part of the night (not good).
It funny, I bet if alcohol had not been invented and someone tried to release it today as a new product, it would probably be banned. Yet despite all the side effects and alcohol-related problems it's perfectly legal (just like cigarettes).
Picked mum up at 9am for the drive over to Appleby as fancied the day out with me. it was a lovely drive and sunny all the way. Bonnie was being needy all the way there and wanting to come in the front so instead settles for putting her head on mum's shoulder, bless her lol.

Did a candle order for Blue Poppy as they do really well with the own label candles so are doing a Christmas range with a slightly different label. If you are reading this and have a business and fancy having your own brand of candles, get in touch. They can be for a shop or to leave with a customer after you have done work for them. I've supplied plumbers, solicitors, and estate/travel agents you name it. ;-)

We had a little lunch from the local bakery and while I was in my appointment mum to the dogs a walk and found The Community Hub which she said is now one of her favourite place lol.
By the time I dropped mum off and got home there was an absolutely stunning sunset at the bottom of the street, I could see it coming into the lounge as I went to close the blinds.
I love sunsets but this one seemed particularly vibrant so had to stop to take a few snaps and put together a collage of them zoomed in to form one pic.
I've got the Handyman that Eddie recommended coming over tomorrow to hopefully get some of the little jobs done that have been doing my head in for ages. I want a letterbox retro fitting into my front door as I'm sick of the outside postbox just getting full if I dont take the post out for a couple of days. It seemed like a good idea at the time but I'm over it now lol. Also my ensuite cistern isn't filling so I'm having to use the main bathroom which is a pain in the night (first world problems eh) but there's no point having one not working. That's just a couple of the thing I need him to do, he has a list. Being able to cross these jobs off helps my mind stay clutter free too.