Well, it worked! Putting the alarm over the other side of the room, I was even awake at 4:40am so didn't even need it to go off. Got straight up and jumped in the shower. It's amazing how much better you feel when you're up and doing stuff before Adele even gets out of bed. You feel like you're much more in control of the day and you're not rushing around on the last minute. By 6:30 I had showered, dressed had breakfast read a chapter of my book with a coffee, fed Bella and been out for a lovely walk as the Sun was coming up. I took her to the bottom of the street and over the little style into the field then round the nature reserve and then she had a run on the football pitch.
That's what mornings are made for. Getting out in the morning sun and increasing your vitamin D at the start of your day definitely improves my mood.
When I got back to the house I was full of energy so made a start on tidying my office as my morning appointment had canceled, which meant I didn't have to leave the house until 12pm to get to Windermere for my next appointment. So that I didn't get overwhelmed by the task of sorting the office out I decided to just take everything out and put it on the spare room bed. That way I had a clear office to be more productive and oculd tidy all the mess another time. I managed to sort all my paper work out and file stuff away as well as put all my receipts in my folders by month ready to do my expenses a month at a time. I will aim to just do one month tomorrow morning when I get up at 5am again. I usually o more but it doesn't seem so daunting if I only start with a month as the task.
Also managed to get a few more appointments booked in once the shops were open and I could start ringing round.
Set off to Cumbria in plenty of time and my customer had said I could take the dog as we would be outside. She wasn't in the office today and was at her lodge in a holiday park. When I got there Lewis, another agent, was still with her. She had also seen someone that morning too so I knew she would probably be carded out by the time she got to see what I was showing her. She did 3 orders with 3 different companies and 3 Christmas orders so it was worth the visit. I also showed her gifts for her daughter to consider as she buys that side of the shop, plus and also meant I had reactivated the account as she hadn't ordered from any of my companies since 2019. That's always a sense of satisfaction when the account becomes active again. It was really hot even under the shade so I'm not surprised she had tired of looking at cards.
There was a lovely family of ducks walking about nearby and just managed to get s pic of one on the roof of another lodge. Another perk of the job getting to be sat outside in the sun doing my work.
After we'd finished I headed back home and the traffic was pretty clear for a change at that time.
Made a chicken tikka wrap for dinner as I like to use up the stuff that has been opened so not to waste food, so I manged to finish off the bits of salad I had.
Downloaded the Season 4 update for Call of Duty ready for a little play with Fi tomorrow night.
By the time I went to bed the sun was jus finishing going down, Started he day with a nice sunrise and going to bed just in time to see it go down again.
Set alarm for 5am again as it's what I have been missing.