Up at just about 4:30am this morning as I was awake before my 5am alarm event went off so thought I might as well just get up. Put two of washing in so I could everything dried on the line and take advantage of the weather while I can.

Whilst hanging out the washing I spotted another bloody wasp nest being built under the roof of the tavern so I am going to have to go to war again and attack their home before they get too comfy. Last time I used a foam spray thing that seemed to do the trick after one application so I will order that again. It feels a shame to destroy their home and kill them but they really have no problem stinging you just for the sake of it, and ain't nobody got time for that!
I've ordered the foam off Amazon and it will be here on Saturday so I can sort it out before it gets too big.
While I was up early I decided to make some banana bread and muffins cos I had a bag that had gone past their best and needed using up. I initially started to follow a recipe but then I lost track of how much flour and oats I'd put in because I was doubling the recipe as well as converting the US measurements into uk metric. So I am surprised they turned out at all. I probably ended up overbaking them a little though because the first time I stabbed them the knife came out wet so I left on for another guestimate longer. Anyway, they are tasty enough and I have cut the load into thick slices and put in foil so I have some in the freezer when I feel like a piece of cake ;-)
Next stop was Knutsford to meet Rachel for our facial and massage that she had bought me for my birthday gift. It was just what I needed as not had a massage for a bit and my back felt a bit tight. The woman that did it got the pressure just right. Not too soft that it doesn't ease the tension but not like Eileen from Bali who was all elbows and felt like she should have weighed 20 stone the pressure she used. I like to feel relaxed during a massage not holding my breath cos it's that painful.
After our treatment, we had some lunch at a lovely place called The Cheese Yard in Knutsford with outside seating and it was a lovely day for it.
We ordered a nice cold pear and elderflower sparkling drink each and a cheeseboard with additional cured meat.
Just as we started on our food a lady tripped on the cobbles and fell backward and hit her head. I'm so glad I didn't see it actually happen as I hate seeing something like that. She was bleeding a bit from the back of the head, luckily there was a paramedic who dealt with it all. Needless to say I only managed to get a pic of the food before it happened. It didn't feel right taking any pics while an episode of casualty was unfolding just feet away from us :-/
On I did also manage to get a pic of the menu before the drama ensued, just in case anyone fancied a visit whilst in Knutsford..

On the way home I nipped into Sainburys to grab some salad stuff and there was a basil plant reduced to 70p. It was full of lots of basil so I grabbed myself a bargain. When I got home I remembered seeing an Instagram reel about how they cram a lot of plants into one pot so it is full but they can't survive squashed in so end up dying. The buy said you are best to take out of the pot and split it into smaller bundles then report them all. I did and now have 5 large healthy basil plants for just 70p! I also say that you need to trim off the top bunch at an intersection rather than just pull off leaves. That was it grows more shoots and becomes fuller instead of tall and gangly. Should keep me in basil for a while if I look after them. A couple of gardening tips there for you, yer welcome ;-)
Felt quite pleased with myself today after having. quite a productive day. Obviously I did work stuff too but unless it's anything out of the ordinary it's pretty much the same stuff every day so I don't bother to mention it. don't want people thinking I don't work all day lol.
Waited until late on to take Bella for her walk as it's still really hot until after about 8/9pm when the sun starts going down.
Got a busy day tomorrow or work zooms, sorting new samples and making appointments so set my alarm for 5am again to get a head start onthe day.