Slept like a baby last night even though I wasn't in my own bed. Woke up at my usual time but then tried to go back to sleep until about 7am when I could hear Tracey pottering about. Stands, after-show drinks etc. Showered and then had cereal and a quick brew while Tracey took the dogs for a walk, then we headed to the station to get the train and tube over to Angel station. It's about 45 minutes from where Tracey lives in Ampthill.
We got to the Business Design Centre for about 9am and lucky for me they weren't sticklers for passes so let me in even though I only had a visitor badge.
Once in I did we had to wait until they did the official opening photo on the stairs and then I went for a quick scout round to see where my various publisher's stands were.

The morning was pretty quiet and then picked up in the middle of the day, but still wasn't as busy as I was expecting it to be. I like the show though as it's all in one hall and it's easy to get round it all so buyers don't have to trek back and forward from different buildings.
Lunch is free as well as tea and coffee throughout the day, so that saves you a bit of money each day. It's also only a two day show which is plenty long enough.
It's always good to see our publishers face to face as we normally only get to communicate via email of over the phone.
After the show, they had a drinks reception for a couple of hours. They even had 0% beers which was a nice touch, as there is only so much fresh orange juice you can drink. I really don't miss partying until late after th shows and then waking up feeling shite the next day.
After drinks, we got the train back to Tracey's and stopped for a Dominos pizza between us. We were both goosed so pretty much ate the pizza and then went to bed. It's amazing how sore your feet get from being stood up all day.