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Had a busy day today. I dropped off the cardboard cutout of Her Majesty the Queen round at Carli's after borrowing it for a race day.

I went down to The Co-op in Manchester to do market research. It's my first one since joining the Co-op panel so I was eager to accept the first one I got. Had to do a fictitious shop and then explain why I picked up the items I did. I was pretty much in and out in 40 minutes and will get a £50 voucher for it. All these free products and vouchers etc all mount up and help keep your bills down in this current climate with the cost of living what it is these days.

Lynne rang to see if I needed anything, bless her. She does this all the time, she has loads going on herself but still puts others first. She spends her life running errands for people and taking them to hospital appointments etc even when she has so much to do for herself.

6pm and it was time for a market research zoom! This was about politics which I'm not very up on so I just went with the flow and let other people go first and then pretty much summarised what they said but in different words lol.

Straight after the market research, I had to head to Chorlton street bus station to pick Kirsty up coming back from Layla's. By the time we got back to mums to drop her off it was 9:30 and I was goosed. Straight home to bed with the windows open again cos it's SOOOO warm. We always moan in this country about the weather but I think it's because we never get proper seasons to that we can adjust to the changes in temperature etc, It can be Spring Monday, Summer Tuesday, Autumn Wednesday and then Winter on Thursday. We literally go from a hose pipe ban one week to snow gritters out the week after.

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