An old school friend Elaine Fallows asked if I could edit a photo of her daughter to remove the people in it. So while. I was at it I did a bit of tinkering and dig a couple of different versions. I love photography and editing pics. I tend to like things that allow me to express my creativity (if you can call it that lol).
Layla has heard back from Safari Dive Centre and they are able to do the dates we want to go to Lanzarote for both our courses. I'm going to do my first PADI Open Water Diving Course, this is the one Layla has already done on her last holiday. toLanzarote. She. is going to do her advanced diving course.

My Camera case came today which will allow me to put my iphone inside and dive up to 6o metres and still be waterproof as well as be able to use the touch screen to take photos and video underwater. I'm going to test it out in the hot tub or something first before I go so I can at least test the waterproof aspect of it.
I can't wait to capture some of the fish etc when we are diving so I have them for memories.