Woke up at 5am and tried to be quiet as I didn't want to wake mum up. I decided to leave her in bed while I went to my appointment in Lytham.
I made myself a blueberry pancake for breakfast, with the leftover batter from yesterday. They are actually quite healthy as they don't contain any sugar and its just flour egg, milk, and making powder. The sweet/bad bit is the maple syrup you put all over it lol. Made it in my little frying pan co it kept it all in a nice shape.
The drive to Lytham was a bit dull and grey but still better than being sat in the same office day in day out. My appointment was pretty short and sweet as it was just a perfume shop that orders counter rolls to gift wrap any orders, so she knows which ones she has had before so it's quite a simple process.
I treated myself to McDonalds for lunch, which is not the healthiest of lunches but I just had a craving for it. By the time I got home mum was up and about so after I caught up on some admin, I dropped her off at home.

Made myself a lazy dinner as I couldn't be bothered thinking about what to have so grabbed some freezer stuff from Asda on way back from mums. Chicago Town Pizza and crispy potatoe balls. I bet Gordan Ramsay is shitting himself lol.
Finished the series "The Walk In" starring Stephen Graham. It was very good but just scary that it was a true story and there are actually people out there in the world that are filled with so much racist hate that they would kill someone just for the colour of their skin.
I would like to think I judge people on their actions and not the colour of their skin, religion they follow, sexuality etc. If someone is a knob, then I judge them on that regardless of any of the other factors.
It's 10 days until my Bali trip with Layla and I still need to order my fins and snorkel mask. I can't wait now, it's going to be such a great experience and somewhere I have always wanted to visit.