Woke up early but had a lay in until about 8am, quick shower and then Layla ran me to the National Express Coach Station. Coach was on time so I got myself a window seat and settle in for the journey. Being on a coach for 5 hours made me reaslise that quite a lot of things annoy me lol. I will do a Random Rant post when I get chance as the list seems to grow the more I am around people. Like the guy who took the time to balance his coffee cup in this gap rather than put it in the bin withint throwing distance. Littering really gets my goat and winds me up. If I wasn't on a coach I would have called him out on it. I don't understand how people can't see that the world is going to turn into a shit hole if everyone doesn't do their bit! GGRRRRR
I sorted out a taxi to pick me up at Manchester and agreed a set fare so I dont stress over traffic and the meter ticking away. My driver was a really nice guy and I forgot to get his name. We chated all the way and he was telling me about starting his month of fasting and then we talked about everything from relgion to traveling.
I literally got home and dropped my bags then went to mums to pick up my baby girl. I noticed straight way that she was back to cratching herself like mad again. I checked and mum insists she has only given her tuna and cod so it can only be somethign enviromental that is bothering her as she wsn't scratching at all before I went away. Could it be stress when I am away ad she is missing me? I'm at a loss. Anyway I will keep her on the fish diet a mine and see if everything calms down. Then if I let her stay a mums for hte night and she starts again I know it's something at mums that is iritating her as well as foods. Her stomach isn't bright pink and hot like it was so food definitely plays a part so I will have to see how she goes on the next week or so. Once I have it under sontrol I can begin to introduce foods off the green list from her test that she isn't sensitive to, one at a time.
Played a fee games on the PS4 with Fi and then had a reasonably early night.