Andy Lee popped round for a brew and brought my mixing desk as he needed space in his studio. So I thought there was no time like the present to get it online to try and sell it. So took pics and put it on Facebook Marketplace.
This is the first pic that clearly states £300 NO OFFERS, so what was the first message I got from someone?
Yes you guessed it....

What was the point in me putting that on the Ad? Needless to say I didn't have the patience to get into a conversation so kept it to the point lol.
If you are in the market for a Mixing Desk either click the image above or click the link HERE
The rest of the day was spent working on The Virtual Tavern Website with Sarah. We gave the website a complete makeover and got rid of the menus and instead created Tiles that broke the website down into different sections so people can click on them to go to various pages on the site.

Once we started we both ended up bouncing more ideas of each other and making more changes on the fly until it looked how we wanted. Before you know it we had been working on it for 6 hours, but we were both just fully engrossed in it.
The final look ended up being a lot more user-friendly and easier to navigate on a laptop and mobile phone. The previous version had a menu option with three lines that wasn't immediately obvious what it was for.
Please feel free to check it out HERE