Woke up pretty early this morning which is a good sign that my circadian rhythm is getting back on track (big word for me lol). I made a start creating my mind maps as I have so many tasks to do I like to get them out of my head and in a list so I can start to make progress crossing some items off. I do 3 lists for the 3 main areas of my life:
Personal Stuff
The Virtual Tavern

It's amazing the lift in your mood you get when you start being able to cross stuff off and see progress rather than feeling overwhelmed. If I have big tasks to do then I put a circle round them and then give the task its own sheet broken down into sub-tasks. That was it's not a huge thing to complete as I can just attack the small tasks one by one and cross them off as I go. This helps you gather momentum as you start to feel a sense of achievement when you cross stuff off.
I dropped my expenses round at my accountant's for my year-end accounts, so that's another thing I can not stress about until I hear back about how much I owe the tax man :-/
Took the decs down while I had the free time today and gave everywhere a tidy in the lounge where it had been. Have to say though as tidy as it is it all feels very bare now. But I do have a big plant to put in the corner when I get a minute so that should fill it out a bit.
Tomorrow I am going to spend the day in the office starting with tidying it all up. Working in a tidy space helps me be more productive. Again I break this into sub-tasks and focus on clearing the desk area I work on so I have a clean slate. I can then worry about the other side of the rooms mess when I have breaks etc.
One thing I am going to try doing is to maybe do my blog as the last thing I do before bed. That way it's like doing my journal at night ad everything is still fresh in my mind. It also gives me the chance to process the day and decompress before going to sleep. I will start this from tomorrow and see how I get on. Might also be some useful bedtime reading to help anyone who follows my blog, to get off to sleep :-)