Well, today is the official opening of Tim Horton Oldham and the first person through the doors wins a year of free drinks worth approx £3000. If it had been a free meal each week for a year I would have been camping outside the place last night lol.
I had to unload the car of all my work cases so that I can fit loads of bin bags in the car with the seats flat. I have been trying to sort out taking all the clothing donations down to Lifeshare in Manchester but have never been able to line up my diary with when they are open. Anyway, I decided to just drive down rather than arrange to meet someone. Picked up Kirsty so she could give me a lift to empty the car at the other end.
It felt like a weight off my mind once I had dropped them off as I have wanted to get them to the charity so they can be put to good use, as well as make some space in my storeroom.

I've made a start on the log for the Tavern Benidorm trip so we can get some stickers printed to give everyone that book on the trip. I would love to get the design made into luggage tags too if I can find a company that does them for a reasonable price and not requiring 100+ minimum quantity.
It would be AMAZING if I could find a company that printed beach towels bu I think they might be hard to find but I will keep trying. A round one would be AWESOME :-) One of the admin team, Sarah has booked her place today so that's 3 of the team booked. I really want to get Steph sorted next before we announce anything as she knows a lot of the guys in the singles lounge that will probably end up booking. I would love all the team to go but I don't think it's going to be possible for a couple of them who have health issues and Bridgette is all the way in Canada so not so easy. :-(
I am trying to introduce other foods back into Bella's diet as she is still scratching so the tuna and salmon diet hasn't really worked :-/