Woke up nice and early and gave the house a quick pass to finish tidying it so it would be tidy when I go home from work. I set off with Bella to my appointment in Longridge. It was with one of my customers who I'd chatted to previously about suspecting I might have ADHD. She had said her friends had said the same to her. So when we get together it's more like a therapy session as we share stories and I pass on any tips I might have for coping with certain traits etc. A lot of my customers feel more like friends than customers and I enjoy spending time with them. The product sales are just part of the conversations we have.

Finished my admin work when I got home then had to head over to Kaths as we had Market Research in Leeds about River Cruises. It was quite interesting actually as I had previously always thought of them as being something for the silver surfer and not really for anybody under 65. It seems like they are looking to appeal to a younger market and that was probably the reason for the market research, to understand people's perceptions of river cruises.
By the time I got home I wasn't in the mood for cooking for just heated up some Lasgne I bought from Booths. I think I am going to make a large lasagne as I really enjoyed it and always prefer it when it's reheated and dries out a bit more. I could make a large one so I always have some portions in the freezer for a quick meal with salad.