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Testing 1, 2

Did Yoga on my own this morning as Laya was running late and I couldn't really hang on as had an appointment in Cumbria at 10:30am. I left the dogs at home as it was a bit cold when I was setting off and neither of them looked set for budging off the sofa when I was getting ready to go.

I stopped off at the services on the way and couldn't help but notice almost every poster at the urinals was about erectile dysfunction? What the hell is that all about? If you weren't thinking about it when you went in you sure were when you came out lol. I can just imagine a train of chipper-looking fellas going into the loo and coming out that a sad conga.

Got two emails during the day for two products tests I applied for and I got both :-) One is a 3 week product test for tinned dog food, which has come at the right time as my two dogs are both being really fussy at the mo with their food. Bella won a year's supply of Pure Petfood and doesn't like the bloody stuff so what I thought was gonna save me a fortune is actually costing me. Every time I try to integrate it into their food they both end up leaving it and I have to throw it. I'm having to try them both with it or Bella will just leave hers and eat Bonnies lol. So hopefully with this being tinned food she might like it. Failing that I better open a pet food shop cos I've this dried food arriving every month and now a 3 week's supply of this stuff.

The next email was for a Jamie Olive cook pot worth about £55, Result !! So I will have a couple of review posts to do soon as well as this page-turner of a blog for you to read lol.

Couldn't be bothered cooking dinner so just made myself a prawn cocktail in a large Whitley Neill glass which filled me right up!

But just because there has to be Yin and Yang I get an email from the small claims court saying that dickhead (Ash) has asked for a 2-week extension to respond to the claim. Clearly this isnt his first rodeo, leaving it until the cut-off date to respond. I'm fumin! I'm relying on that money now to pay for my birthday party so I can't even organise food or anything in case they want paying upfront and also in case I don't even have it when it comes to my party. He's "rebranded" his business now too and includes transport in it too now. I've never known anyone be such a wheeler-dealer and change their business so many times and have their fingers in so many pies. Oh well, lesson learned, don't lend people money!

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