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Tell Me Why I don't like...


Did you sing it? lol

I had a very unproductive day compared to usual as I didn't get up early and didn't really achieve much. I pretty much had a sofa day and caught up on admin but nothing else.

Finished the Lucozade orange sport drinks taste testing and I have just one cake bar left to try and then I am finished. I have another taste testing for me and Les on Thursday trying dairy-free milk alternatives.

Aunty Joan flew in from Spain and I collected her from the airport at 11:30pm and dropped her off at Julies. It's my Aunty Lynda's funeral this Thursday so she has come over to be there as my uncle Brian is her brother. I've got another funeral the following Thursday too as Jason's brother passed away last week :-/ I know there is never a good time of year to lose a loved one, but near Christmas has to be the worst time.

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