I normally don't touch my phone for the first hour when I wake up, otherwise, you can easily lose an hour just scrolling through your phone. I made an exception this morning because I had posted in The Tavern that if people wanted to show their support for the tavern, they could post a pic in the comments and I would add a Tavern Members Frame to it. This would help let their Facebook friends know they are members and also increase the visibility of the Tavern. It just reminded me of the support we can offer people when one of our new admin members said that she wished she had found the tavern sooner. She only found out about it via our appearance on Saturday Night Takeaway. It made me wonder how many other people may be struggling with loneliness or with their mental health and don't even know we exist. I woke up to SOOOO many notifications where people had posted their pics so thought I better make a start.

R Kid was the first to get her frame to show her support for The Tavern, bless her. The requests just kept coming thick and fast all day. I just love that people are proud to show they are Taverners and will just love seeing people on my friends list showing their support. Hopefully the more people who have the frame on their pic, the more new people will find out about the tavern and possibly get support if they are struggling. It's funny though how few of my in person friends have actually done it so far, yet complete strangers jumped at the chance to show their support.
Had a nice appointment with a florist in Chorley who loves a lot of my companies and also opened up a new account for Giftwrap which is always a good feeling. I am loving getting more and more new customers and definitely have my work Mojo back, I just hope it lasts.