Did part 2 of the chocolate taste testing with Les this morning - £25 cash. Put it straight in my long-haul trip jar for next year. Not sure where we are going yet but me and Layla have said we are defo booking another long-haul adventure somewhere after loving our first trip so much. There are so many places I want to visit so we will have a chat once she is back from Indonesia and see where we fancy. I've got Vietnam on my to-do list so it would be nice to go there at some point. Any market research/product testing or money that comes in that I wasn't expecting, is going in my savings jar as its money I didn't have before.
Me and Rachel had a zoom with the ladies from 'Stop the Clock' greeting cards who we have wanted to represent for years. Their existing agent was Robin Hill who had been in the business for years and when he retired we missed the chance to go for it as they had already taken on Richard Scanlon. It mustn't have worked out with him so they approached us and asked if we'd like to represent the. Err hell yeah! lol. After a really nice chat with them, they said they would love us to represent them and just needed to sort things out their end. Great news for us as it's a big range and will hopefully be in some accounts that we aren't already in and open some new doors.
Also received first product test from Philips, a new face and body electric shaver. Can't wait to take it for a spin as I'm in need of some personal grooming since getting back from Bali, so will try to give myself a tidy-up for the weekend.
Also did a soft drinks taste test, which was perfect timing as I needed some cordial as I have none at the moment. You basically buy the product and then get reimbursed plus extra so it cost me £1.80 and they pay £9 into your Paypal account. More money for my travel savings.

This one was for Tesco's quadruple strength cordial so you get 100 glasses out of one bottle.
It was actually quite nice and even though it looks really pale in colour it was very sweet and full of flavour. £9 in the bank for buying and drinking something I needed to buy anyway so can't complain.