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Sunday Sale

Well I had a very early start this morning as I took Andy Lee and hos mates to the airport for their flight to Benidorm at 2:50am. The roads were pretty quiet so I was there and back quite quickly. I went straight back to bed when I got home to try and get some more sleep before I had to be up again.

Woke back up again at 10am as my first customer was already on her way lol. Julia had been for breakfast and was in the area so asked if she could pop by. No matter what time I say the sale starts people always come earlier so I am used to it now lol.

The day ended up being really busy, lots of people old and new came and we managed to raise a good amount for Lifeshare so I can purchase items that will help the homeless rather than just a cash donation. I will buy things like sleeping bags, scarves, thick socks, jumpers etc to help keep them warm and also protect them from the elements.

After the sale, I dropped mum off at home and then popped round to see my mate Jay (who lives two doors away). It's strange that sometimes the people who live closest to you are the ones you don't always make the effort to go see and spend quality time with. Jay has been going through a tough time lately as his brother is really ill with cancer and is now at the end-of-life stage. There is nothing worse than seeing someone you love deteriorate before your eyes.

I hadn't made plans for dinner and Jay had bought a spatchcock peri peri chicken so I said I would make it for us both at mine and add some "sides|" to it (very American of me lol). I did some mixed veg, kale, and fried home-made gnocchi in garlic butter. Also made a mushroom and peppercorn sauce to go with it. We had a nice glass of red to wash it down with.

I've got Triyit Box to take for a spin tomorrow and also got a market research taste testing to do about cake! I mean what's not to love? I basically have to eat a different cake bar thing every day for 11 days. Errr hell yeah!

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