Well, today didn't go how it was meant to but it still ended up being a great day. The plan was to go to do a Segway Experience at Tatton Park at 10am, which was one of the months Buckt activities. 5 activities every month for just £15 but we have an even better deal for members of The Virtual Tavern If you want to sign up for our great deal click the link HERE
Sadly when we got there we hadn't been added to the list because I had booked it quite late and the booking hadn't been processed. We could have waited around until 12pm but it seemed like a long time to wait around and I also don't like to leave Bella at home for that long. Instead, we decided to go and have a walk around Tatton Park gardens as it was a gorgeous sunny day, so seemed a shame to waste it. It felt like a summer day never mind spring. This is definitely my favourite time of the year when it's bright and sunny.
It was lovely spending the morning wandering around in the sun and enjoying the various areas of the garden. I even did a roll down the hill like a bug kid lol. We don't get to 'play' that much once we get older, but it's important to keep your inner child alive sometimes lol.
Dropped Danni off at home and then went back to mine to do some Tavern Admin Stuff.
I am hoping we can get at least 50 sign-up for The Easy Fundraising app before Monday as that will let me know it has the potential to help us raise funds if we can get the numbers.
If you shop online and want to help support The Virtual Taven for FREE please sign up HERE Thanks in advance.
Quick change and then I drove to The Barclay in Royton to meet up for Lynn Harts birthday. It was nice to go out rather than avoid it just because I'm not drinking. I had a good few hours catchin up with Nic, Kerry and Paul as not seen them in ages. I didn't feel like I was missing out not drinking and actually enjoyed having conversations that I will remember the next day rather than talking rubbish in a drunken haze. I left around 6pm as I needed to get back to Bella to feed her.
After I fed Bella and took her out for another walk I made myself a nice Holumi salad.

The only trouble is I then need something sweet and end up eating another 6000 calories of stuff I shoudn't eat. I really need to start getting my head in the game and doing more exercise and eating better. I want to look and feel better as a result of not drinking and not replacing the sugar in booze with the sugar in sweets and biscuits etc.
Had a chilled night with my baby lay with me on the sofa, bless her.

Just feels like home when I'm lay on the sofa with Bella lay with me. She doesn't do it that often she likes to lie on her own but has recently started curling up with me if I put one of the throws there for her to lay on.