Woke up really late for me as it was almost 12pm. I must have needed the rest but I always feel like I've wasted half the day getting up at lunchtime. Mum stayed in bed as she still didn't feel well, so I thought I would try and get her tree put up while I was there and had some free time. I really wasn't in the mood as it was hurting getting the boxes down etc with my back pain that still hasn't improved. I'm going to drink plenty of water to flush my kidneys in case that's what it is and it will hopefully ease a bit.
Did what I could with the tree and left the rest of the boxes for mum to decide which things she wanted to put up etc as she has loads of Xmas decs in different boxes. She has sets of lights that she's had for years and only a handful of the bulbs on each set work. I would just throw them away if they were mine so I only had a working set for the tree and the res had been binned.
Once the tree was up I headed home to have a lazy evening on the sofa. Mum text me later on to say "she wasn't being ungrateful BUT....." Now I always say when someone starts a sentence with "I'm not being funny BUT" or "I'm not racist BUT" then usually everything before the word BUT is a lie. Apparently, I had put the wrong ornaments on the tree as she doesn't use them anymore (another reason to put them somewhere else or label the box OLD DECS DON'T USE?) She said she was going to get Kirsty to re-do it when she came down. What I wanted to say was "No if you weren't being ungrateful you would have a) just been glad to have a tree up and b) just not told me and let Kirsty change it as I would probably not have noticed so didn't really need to know. Instead, I ended up feeling pissed off for doing my good deed when I had wasted my time. Sometimes she just can't help herself but say something without thinking about how it will make someone feel, instead of just saying nothing. Rather than say any of that I just didn't reply to the text.
Before I went to bed I saw something on TV where someone said "Love you to the moon and back" Oh god I am so over that phrase. I see it written on everything in the gift industry. Can't we be more creative? Surely there are planets a lot further away than the moon if you really need to quantify your love for someone in distance from the earth and back? Also if everybody loves someone to the moon and back then it doesn't really make your love for that person any more special than the next person so pretty much makes it less special. Can you tell my back pain is making me grouchy? lol.

Had an early night so I could be warm and cosy in bed with Bella under the quilt rather than sitting in the lounge cold as even with the heating on it's still not really warm. She doesn't usually get IN bed and sleeps at the bottom but even she must feel colder s the mo.
Also took some ibuprofen to try and stop my back pain and make me less scrooge.
Sending hugs xx