Woke up full of the joys of spring ready to make a start on spring cleaning the back garden. I always think it's better to set your intentions the night before so you have already focussed your mind on what needs doing. Otherwise, you just wake up and stumble through the day with no clear direction.
Straight to B&Q with my shopping list:-
Blue Paint for the decking
Paint Brush
New Dryer Vent for outside wall
Shower thing (like a draft excluder but goes along the bottom of shower screen)
New outside firm Brush
Managed to get everything I needed, I took the old shower thingy with me so I could compare to the new one I was getting. These are all jobs that have needed doing for ages and just been piling up. That in itself causes me stress cos every time I go past one of the jobs that need doing, or I look out into the garden and see the floor full of green it makes me fed up.
The main focus for today was to jetwash the back. I've had a Karcher Powerwash for probably about 1 year and it's still in the box. Well not now ;-)
So this is what the garden looked like after probably 2 maybe 3 winters of being neglected and not having a spring clean each year. I used the excuse that I had lent my power washer to someone and couldn't remember who, but that was just an excuse. I'd had a power washer a year and it still didn't get done. Now I've got my Mojo back it's like my brain is doing a spring clean and collating all the things I have procrastinated and is getting them crossed off my list.
This is the action shot lol. It was actually really satisfying seeing all the much come off and revealing the clean flags underneath. I'd actually forgotten what colour they were. The only problem was that it also took out a lot of the grout in between the flags, so that's another job to add to my list lol.
While I was on a roll I thought I would give the dryer flap a stab (that sounds all kinds of wrong lol). It wasn't as easy as I first thought, as I needed to first get the existing casing off and then had to somehow attach this big flexible pipe thing to the new flap. This is when Gaffer tape comes in handy ;-) I still need to get some sealant to put around the outside, but it's at least replaced. I can tell the difference already as I used to feel a huge cold breeze when I opened the dryer door and all the washing was freezing cold after it had dried.

I know what you are thinking "Is there no end to this man's talents?" LOL. Well yes there is because most of the jobs I tackle, a professional would cringe at how I do them and the finish. But at least I get them done. I can't stand paying someone to do something relatively simple only to get ripped off on the price.
Well, my back was in bite by the time I'd finished the jet washing. I was taking to a friend on the phone about energy levels etc and how for years I had felt like I had no get up and go. She mentioned she had regular B12 injections, which reminded me I had some in the fridge that I had ordered online ages ago and never go round to doing.

So that was another thing ticked off my list. Sorted my jab and diaried it to do another in 10 days time. I just feel like I am getting loads done lately that has been on my to do list for years.
Completed my final video for the Kennel Club Market research and sent it off.
Today has been a very productive day. Nice relaxing night in front of the TV to wind down.