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Special Delivery!

Updated: Apr 29, 2022

Yoga Day 27 Done :-) It's getting easier now to do some of the moves, I'll have my legs over my head before you know it lol.

Todays 30 day photo challenge was The Sky.

I found the post office card that they put through when my delivery from London Nootropics coffee was returned to the post office and realised that also my herbal medication also went back with it. So that means both won't arrive now until tomorrow.

Had the monthly DBFY Networking meeting at The Old School BBQ Bus in Hollinwood. It's a great bunch of people and hopefully once the tavern is a CIC and we can get some grants we might be able to put some business their way. They have a web designer and someone who does marketing so might be useful contacts. It's also nice to get out and network with other people again.

When I got home I had two nice deliveries from of the websites I am now signed up to called Home Tester Club. One of which was the Hill's Science Plan Dog food for a mature adult dog over 7 years old. As both mine are pretty much classed as mature now this will suit them both.

Bonnie has been off her food since getting kennel cough and has been a nightmare to get her to eat anything she previously loved at the mo. Unlike the previous FREE petfood Bella won which was a dried food you add water to, this one is tinned food which they are both used to. We need to test this for 3 weeks so fingers crossed they both like it.

The other delivery was a Jamie Oliver Stew Pot, again from Home Tester Club. I don't currently have a Stew Pot so I'm really looking forward to taking this for a test drive. It looks very well made and sturdy and even has a measuring guide on the inside of the pan.

Made some cod loins for dinner cooked with shallots, peppers, tomatoes and asparagus with mixed vegetables, but sadly wasn't something that would be deep enough to cook in the stew pot.

Just when I had decided to go to bed, I got a long message from a tavern member, Jo who has recently left (friends with Suzanne) ranting and saying I allow bullying to go on in the group and sending me a screenshot of a conversation I had apparently 'turned a blind eye to'. She mentioned the WhatsApp group that some members are in where they apparently slag off other members of the group. How the hell am I meant to police people's private WhatsApp groups and tell them what they can and can't say in them? I was absolutely fuming and told her so. I messaged her back to explain that unfortunately I am NOT GOD and can't possibly see every conversation that happens in the groups between all 48,700 members, so unless something is reported to me I am not able to deal with it.

I explained that I was on my way to bed and so was not going to have a back and forth all night as had an early start. To which she ignored and carried on to respond, which I then reiterated I can only deal with things I am aware of. After the next response. I told her I was blocking her as was not prepared to have my phone pinging all night when I was going to sleep. I'm getting fed up with going to bed angry or pissed off cos of the singles lounge. I also put in our Team chat that I feel the singles lounge is on borrowed time as I'm sick of all the school playground drama and the amount of time and mental space it is taking up.

The Main Tavern has over 48,700 members and takes up a fraction of the time the Singles Lounge takes up with only 2,800 members. It's not like it's a paid job, we do this for free and I'm not prepared to have the team and myself subjected to all this abuse and rants as if we are meant to control group members' every thought and action even away from the group.

So for another night because of the singles lounge, I went to be pissed off!

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