Today was my admin day so I still got dressed fully but also had my snoody on as it was a bit nippy when I first got up at 5. It literally goes all the way to the floor so is great for slouching around on the sofa (not that I am doing that today I have things to do).
I had a zoom meeting with our new Salesforce account manager and wanted to know the answers to a few fundamental features that we are currently unable to take advantage of, that would help us be more productive and efficient with our time. I thought that he would be able to help me there and then but instead said he would have a look into the points raised. Maybe I had unrealistic expectations of what the call was for but I suspect his role is more sales and getting customers to upgrade etc,
Determined to get to the bottom of it and since it was my admin day I did a bit of digging around and experimenting with the setup. The difficulty is the setup is so vast as there are so many features that it's hard to know what you don't know. Anyhoo after spending ages tinkering I finally sussed it. Now instead of having to duplicate work by adding appointments into our phone calendar and also Salesforce I figured out how to make it sync the two. I also stumbled upon the feature to be able to send the appointment directly to the customer to approve and then it would be in their diary too :-) Happy Days. Also worked out how any emails sent to an account can automatically be logged against their records. I just need to update all my accounts with a contact email in a different field and it's fixed. Sad as it sounds cos it's going to create work for me, I am buzzing, because I can see the long-term benefits. I just have to try and convince Rachel the technophobe to get on board now lol.
My delivery of Caroline Gardner Gifts arrive. I wanted to get Bella a new harness and dog bowls so thought what better than o have her all on brand ;-) I will get her to model them tomorrow as she had only just got in from a walk when they arrived.
The New map on Warzone Modern Warfare had updated today so I had already set it off this morning to update and even though I promised Fi we would discover it together, curiosity got the better of me and I had a few games after work on my own :-/ To be fair it wasn't as good as nobody seems to bloody speak so you might as well not be in a squad. When me and fi play we can help each other and warn of hazards etc.
Early -sh night after a few game.