Nice early start and a walk with Bella before the sun got too hot. We went through the nature reserve so she had some shade as it was already really warm bless her in a fur coat in this heat. I never get tired of taking photos of nature, although they are probably not very interesting to look at for anyone reading my blog (all 3 of you lol).
My Tesco delivery arrived and this time I managed to get my fresh Tumeric so I could make my own Tumeric juice.

I am going to make up some shots of turmeric and ginger mixed with juice so that it's not too spicy. I just need to order some little bottles online when I get around to it.
Spent the afternoon folding all the washing I did yesterday but didn't have a lot of energy to do anything else. Jay was in the garden sunbathing and invited me over but I just wanted to chill and have a sofa day.
The Virtual Tavern Easy Fundraising currently has 88 people signed up so it's slowly but surely mounting up. We also have bout £93 in the account so imagine how much we would have if a few hundred people signed up and started using the app.
If you shop online please sign up for FREE to the Easy fundraising app and use it as your shopping portal to search for over 7000 brands. These brands will then donate every time you spend with them at no cost to you. Thank you to a few of my friends who have signed up already.

Please click HERE to sign up.
You will also go into the draw to win 1 of 2 £50 shopping vouchers, if you needed an incentive ;-)