Spent the morning catching up on Rupauls drag race (standard Sunday) Then went down to mums to take and we decided to order a Toby Carvery Sunday dinner. I wasn't sure what to expect as I'd never had one delivered before and didn't think it would be that good. Surprisingly I really enjoyed it. With the exception of the Roast potatoes, which I don't think can ever be as good having them fresh when they are piping hot and still crispy. You got large Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, and pigs in blankets all in individual paper bags so they didn't go all wet and soggy with the veg. Then you got all the veg and meats in really sturdy plastic containers and then a separate tub of gravy. It doesn't look the best in the photo due to having to spoon everything out and not all being dished out separately, but it was really tasty. The Roast potatoes I'm sure were lovely fresh but they are never the same when you have to ping them in the microwave ( of micro-warvey as Nigella Lawson says lol).
When I got back home it was straight into my PJ's and TV and banged out a couple of Tiktoks. I've not been on Tiktok for a while cos once I start I end up spending ages on it recording daft videos lol.
This first one is my take on influencers when they do lives. I still find it bizarre that people pay to give random strangers gifts on tiktok. Since when did chatting on a live feed become a skill worthy of gifts? If I'd have known I could have made a fortune during lockdown wiht al the Lives I did in the Tavern lol.
The next one is a daft thing that is apparently one of the TikTok trends? No idea why or where it's come from but that's how easy it is for something to start becoming "a thing". I don't tend to spend ages practicing dance routines etc I just go for the silly ones I can bang out quickly.
Was in bed for 11pm as didn't want to stay up too late as off to that their London tomorrow.