Woke up at 5am and sorted out the plants and bits of washing that needed putting away. I've got house sitter and dog sitter all sorted but I like to make sure the plants have been taken care of so it's not someone else's responsibility if I can.

Taxi picked me up at 9am even though my bus wasn't until 10:30am I didn't want to risk the traffic being bad and getting all stressed. Once I got to the coach station I just chilled and grabbed a meal deal and then read my book.

The journey went by really fast and we just made one comfort break halfway through. I managed to finish book number 4 Coffee Self Talk, which I really enjoyed and it's given me a lot of things to work on. If you fancy giving it a read here is my LINK . I arrived in London half an hour early and messaged Layla, who came and picked me up and then we headed to hers.
She made us a nice dinner of garlic and paprika chicken, with crushed potatoes, broccoli and sprouts. It made me realise that I am not eating anywhere near enough veg at home. I've fallen into that lazy cooking rut and need to start buying fresh veg for my meals when I get back.
After dinner we started watching a series called "Swarm", very weird and apparently based o a true story? For dessert we had a mixed berry crumble with vegan custard. Lovely! It was so simple too as she buys frozen berries and a packet crumble mix. I think I will make a few small ones in ramekins when I get home and just freeze them so quick desserts.

After dessert we hit the sack ready to start our adventure to Iceland in the morning.
Jupiter had already decided she was sleeping with me bless her.