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Saturday Slumber

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

Still feel like crap and kidneys are still hurting but not as much as when they first started giving me grief, so hopefully this is a turning point and they will ease off day by day. I looked in the mirror this morning and some fat guy with 4 chins was looking back at me. This is what happens when you stop being so mobile and hunker down and just comfort eat. Not impressed! I need to get my arse off the sofa tomorrow and do more stuff to stay active. It's just so hard when you're in pain every time you cough or move etc.

It was another frosty day and even with the heating on it wasn't really warm in the house. It does make me realise just how lucky I am to have a roof over my head in these conditions. I know that when I walk Bella it's baltic cold and I can't wait to come home. Some people don't have the luxury of having a home to go back to and instead have to sleep outside in this weather.

A few of my Amazon purchases arrived so I have wrapped them and put them under the tree so I don't end up with loads to do all at once. I've ordered some more presents too that will arrive tomorrow. I have to admit Amazon Prime is an amazing service, the fact you can order at 2pm and you get your delivery the next day. Maybe Amazon should take over the running of Royal mail? Just sayin.

Edited a couple of pictures from the park with Bella, I do love photography and the various things you can do with pictures now using apps.

Me & Bella had a cosy day on the sofa watching episodes of Big Brother Canada, Law & Order Special Victims Unit and Chicago PD. I had forgotten about these 3 shows and I have lots of episodes to go at so don't have to worry about something to watch for a while. The US and Canadian Big Brothers have a different voting style to the UK and it's a much better watch. I would love to be in their versions.

Spoke to Eddie and he can't swap his day off to do the March cruise so I'm gonna see who is up for it as it's too good a deal to miss.

I received a lovely gift from Stop the Clock Designs (one of our card suppliers) and we have only just started working with them so really wasn't expecting anything as we haven't done anything for them yet. They clearly know me already and know food it the way to my heart and cheese a big favourite of mine. We can open that for snacks after we've eaten Christmas dinner at mine.

Ate stodge for dinner and had a few games on the PS4 with Fi, this is what winter nights are made for :-) I was meant to be going for a meal with Lynne, Michelle, Elenor and Lisa but both Lisa and I are ill so we decided to cancel it until January.

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