Firstly I always pre-face my reviews with any info pertinent to the review, such as whether or not I purchased the product or was gifted it. The two products were part of a product test so I did not pay for them, but will still give an honest review and my feedback will not be biased to gain favour from the company.
I received my box from Savvycircle containing two tubes, one of which was the daily protection and the other was the gentle whitening.
I used the Daily protection for the first few days and then switched to gentle whitening.
Both products had a nice mint taste, not too harsh or too peppermint. Both left my mouth feeling fresh and clean for a long time afterward.
It's difficult to be able to say if they have 'densified' my teeth as I am not quite sure how I would know.
What I would say about the gentle whitening, though is that it doesn't feel abrasive or rough on your teeth. It's very smooth and gentle and definitely removed any stains and brightened my teeth.
They are both very pleasant to use and I would definitely buy them again.
I'd just like to point out you can't buy them again as you never purchased them in the first place.
Also most toothpastes have pleasant tastes and work similarly. So why would you advise anyone to pay for this premium priced toothpaste when there are so many cheaper alternatives?