I had not heard of Sam Holland before and came across this book when I did a Google search, looking for a new book like Alex Cross or something. If you like a serial killer book, then this is for you as it has everything. A killer who mimics other notorious serial killers.
I love a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat and this one certainly did that! The chapters are nice small which I like as it allow me to read small chunks at a time. I didn't need to worry about that though as I finished the book in 3 days, I couldn't put it down. I kept saying to myself "I'll just read one more chapter" but then each one left you feeling more intrigued so I had to keep reading. It keeps you guessing all the way through and is very easy to follow. Definitely deserves a sequel (fingers crossed).
If you want to give it a try, HERE is the Amazon link.