In my life to date, I can honestly say that there are no friends I've had that if I saw them in the street I would have to cross the road to avoid. I don't think I have ever fallen out with someone to the extent that I would never speak to them again (I've made an exception for one vile person recently). Usually, for one reason or another, you might drift apart because everyone's lives get busy, people have a family, they move away etc. But I've got friends from as far back as my childhood that I hardly see but when we do get a chance to meet up, it's like it was yesterday. Those are your lifelong friends that you have that special bond with and share lots of memories. Elaine Fallows is one such friend. We grew up together and although we don't see each other often, there never has to be any apology for the length of time we've spent apart, we just simply pick up where we left off. I have a lot of friends like that who I might only speak to once a year or keep in touch with a birthday or Christmas card, but we both know the other one is always there should we need a chat.

Elaine was coming up for breakfast but after my 'crickle' yesterday I explained I hadn't been ab;e to get out to the shop for the stuff we needed for breakfast. So Elaine nipped to the shop en route and we had brunch instead. She also brought with her some Tubigrip (after all Oldham is the home of the tubular bandage :-) )and some cooling compress bandages. Bless her she was like a little Florence Nightingale, she bandaged my wrist with the cold compression one and tubular bandaged my ankle.
I made up for the medical attention by making a full English breakfast, which took longer than normal as I was hobbling about the kitchen and could only really use one arm properly. We did a lot of reminiscing about the old days and things we did at school etc. Elaine has a much better memory than me for things from the past, she can remember names and dates whereas I just remember the specific memory without much context.
I gave her the concrete toadstool I bought for her while I was in Wales. It had been her 50th while I was away and I hadn't been able to go, but wanted to make sure I go her something. She has a fairy garden area in her garden so I thought it would fit in perfectly. I forgot to get a photo of it but will get Elaine to take one and also one of her garden and update this post at some point.
Did a few pics for my Oral B product test so I could post them onto my socials, at least I was still able to do that and type with one hand lol.
Bit of a small blog today as I've been house bound with my ankle :-/