Had a great morning at The Hollies doing Caroline Gardner Christmas and every day. They are like the dream customer as the buyer pretty much handed me each bundle back and said " Yes all those in 12's please'. That kind of appointment pays for the petrol you sometimes waste driving round looking for new shops etc or driving to an appointment for them not to be there:-/ This doesn't happen often but when it does that journey pretty much completely wipes out the previous days earnings.

I am going to be presenting a radio show for SW20 soon so I started trying to download the software but sadly my WindowsDJ laptop probably needs updating as it's still on Window 8!! and wouldn't download one of the applications :-/ I still haven't decided on what kind of music I will play yet. My first thoughts were 80's I love 80's music but they already have a couple of shows with that theme. So I am still thinking of my format. It's something I have always fancied doing so I thought why not when the situation presented itself. I don't have a date for my first show ye but don't worry I will be posting about it all over when I do.
I hoped to find some Tumeric at Tesco so I could crack on with my juicing but they didn't have any so I am going to try one of the world food stores tomorrow and see if they have any.

Nice bit of pizza and salad for lunch. Or at least that would be the instagram pic showing me living my best life. What I would forget to mention is that after eating this I then decided to finish off the other half of the family pizza! What is wrong with me? I felt fat and uncomfy yesterday and hen over eat today :-/ I use the excuse "I don't like to waste food" but in reality its cos Im a greedy fat nacker who loves food and hates exercise. I seriously need to get myself back on track and get my weight down. I am the heaviest I have been (not even going to say what I weigh). No in fact let me pop on the scales tomorrow and I will post it to shame myself into sorting my shit out.
Today was a good day for vouchers as I received £30 love to shop vouchers from Tesco home panel as 29 of my referrals signed up to their panel. They rarely open it up so as soon as they told me it was open I posted the link on my socials. It took me a few years to get on and I wish someone had given me the heads up, so it was nice to pay it forward. I didn't know the points converted to vouchers so that's good. Plus I had £75 worth of vouchers from Nielsen Shoppingjpanel where I scan any shopping I buy. That's given me £105 to spend t B&Q to stop me from putting off getting the garden jobs done. As soon as they arrive I will do an online shop via Easy Fundraising so that The Virtual Tavern gets a donation.
It's Friday and so the FULL podcast interview with Matt from @maketimetotalk has been published. It's over an hour long so maybe put it on in the car when you have a long drive or something?
Had a few games on the PS4 with Fi and then was knackered by 11pm so hit the sack. Hoping to get some jobs done tomorrow (we shall see lol).