*** 30 Day Photo Challenge ***
Day 14 - Soft
I chose one of my lovely soft cushions from the sofa.
Quite a lot of people have viewed the David Johnson post I did and made their own comments of fond memories of him. It’s always a shame when someone doesn’t get to read all the nice things people thought about them.
Had a busy day getting bits and bobs sorted.
Still full of a cold - typical when I’m due to have a few days break.
Due to all the delays at check-in etc we have decided to book Fast Track as it was only £5 so if it gets us through quicker it’s worth it.
We’ve also booked the Airport Lounge so that we can relax once we are through passport control. We fly at 7:35 but we plan to get there in plenty of time as we can access the lounge from 4pm. Posted out all the Tavern on Tour mugs from TOT4.
Finally found a pet shop open to get bird seen for Kizzy, so bough some chews for the dogs too.
Dawn from DBFY popped round to collect her Forecer Living products and we had a catch up.
had a proper chilled night on the sofa as the dogs were at mum’s so I had nobody to worry about but myself.