Had a lie in until 6:30am this morning, even though I was still awake just before 5 I just lay for a bit having cuddles with Bella. The weather had clearly taken a turn last night as all the garden had been watered. Sad as it sounds I was actually glad because my water butt was almost empty. I really like the idea of being able to water my garden using rainwater and not having to use the tap as it feels so much better for the environment.

Had a coffee with a cinnamon and raisin bagel thin, covered in peanut butter :-) for breakfast whilst reading another chapter of The Help. There aren't many chapters left now then I need to decide what to read next. I've got another two books lined up ready and the next one will be book number 10. So I am more than on track for 12 books in 12 months as I only started in Feb.
It rained on and off all day and was overcast so I enjoyed being a home with nowhere to go. Just what Sundays are made for.

I cooked a stack of lentil pancakes flavoured with curry powder and some salt. I'd see then recipe yesterday on tiktok, so soaked hem last night in water (you only needed to for an hour but I wasn't planning on making them until today so left then in the fridge overnight). they turned out pretty good,m so I have a couple with some chicken and salad on for my lunch then froze the rest with foil separating them so I can just take one out when I need one.
Marie called round for a brew and to drop off a thank you card and £30 for looking after Dudley bless her.
Matt, the podcast guy from Birmingham messaged to let me know he had edited our podcast interview and it would start being posted from tomorrow with the small exerts first then the full-length interview on Friday. I'm looking forward to seeing it so I have an idea of how it should look when we start doing Tavern Talk (once we have the money for he podcast setup).
Got a busy day tomorrow so early night and in bed for 10apm.
G'night all (all one of you lol)