As previously started on My List of people who've had the most positive influence on my life these are not in order of importance but in chronological order based on when they came into my life. They are also not being done in any particular order, except when I am directed that way. I recently went out for dinner with Derek so thought now would be a good time do his.

Derek Perkins
I met Derek during my time at First Choice Holidays. I had been working there for quite a few years and we were suddenly told that a new call centre manager would be joining us from outside the business. Derek's first real introduction to us what at our Staff Christmas party. Not the best of situations to meet your new team as everyone was very drunk, I think some of the team leaders were even dancing on the tables. I don't think Derek drank that night and you could tell he was secretly using this as an opportunity to see what everyone was like when they let their guard down. It was actually quite embarrassing how all the managers and team leaders made a beeline for him on the night and did their utmost to get a word in his ears to put their case forward and blow their own trumpets.
Derek established himself very quickly as a firm but fair boss. He would have a laugh with you but if you overstepped the mark or weren't doing what was required, he didn't pull any punches and you knew about it. Derek had a great ability to deliver bad news in a way that you didn't think it was actually that bad. He would have a nack of being able to tell you that your days were being cut to 3 days a week from 5 but just think of the money you will save on petrol, not to mention the lunches you won't be buying. By the time he had finished you came out of the meeting thinking he had actually done you a favour lol.

He was the consummate professional but he also loved a bit of gossip and I would often be called into his office in a serious manner and asked to close the door, only to be asked what I knew about so and so or something that had just happened. Obviously, as the call centre manager, he didn't have favourites, but I would like to think I was one of them ;-) LOL.
Out of all the people he worked with at First Choice, not many people could say they had been to his house (but I had). His houses (there have been several) have always been immaculate and decorated to the highest standards. He would move in somewhere and spend a fortune on it to get it absolutely gorgeous inside and then for whatever reason decide to move once it was all done. I'm sure that after visiting his house once he told me that he had found out next door was having a baby so pretty much put it on the market the next day. He was literally almost closing the door behind her after she'd told him the news and looking up the number for an estate agent in the area before she'd got down the path lol. The reason he said was "I hate screaming kids". Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration on my part as I'm allowed to use artistic license but it wasn't far from the truth.
He didn't suffer fools (still doesn't) and if you weren't his cup of tea, he didn't need to tell you, you just knew. When you were in his office telling him something you always knew the difference between a genuine smile and an insincere one that didn't quite meet the eyes and meant "just get out" lol. I'm talking about this in the past tense not because he is no longer here but because I'm referring to the time I spent with him at First Choice Holidays.
Derek was someone I looked up to (and still do) because he was living the kind of life I one aspired to have. He had a nice house, good job, went to nice restaurants for meals, and drank nice wine, he even had a canteen of cutlery in a case (which I have hinted I want my name putting on in his will lol). I also admired the way he would be up at 5am and get to work long before anybody else so he was in front of the day and ready for people as they arrived. I remember he once said to me when I commented about Sharron Boulton (another manager) always staying late after work. He said |"nobody notices the last person here because they've all gone, but people will clock who is here when they arrive". It always stuck with me, and one of my personal goals was to be able to get into the habit of getting up at 5am (which I've almost cracked). I just wish I had managed to do it whilst I was still at First Choice as I would have been so much more productive and got loads done before people even arrived.

During my time at First Choice Derek gave me more than one chance when I cocked up and always had great advice. He always explained to me the importance of maintaining a professional persona with staff even when you are on nights out (something I struggled with lol). He'd say that even when it's not in work time you still have to maintain a level of professionalism so that you don't lose the respect of your team. As you can see by the pic, I was always professional on works nights out LOL
Derek always believed in me even at times I didn't believe in myself. A lot of bosses say "my door is always open" but his really was and I could go to see him about all kinds of stuff, usually none work-related and after an initial "Oh dear" he would then impart his words of wisdom and great advice.

One thing I always remember about Derek was how he was not great with technology and I shamelessly used it to my advantage. I would often be in his office and he would say "it says there is an attachment on this email, can you find it". I remember we used to have to submit our weekly figures to him by Monday morning, some people would print them out others, like myself would email them and he would chase us if he hadn't had them by lunchtime Monday. One week, (purely by mistake I might add) I sent the regular email to him saying, "Please find attached this week's figures" but forgot to actually attach the file. Later that day he asked "did you send last weeks figures?", "Yes" I replied, "they are on the attachment". I rushed back to my desk thinking maybe the email hadn't done through but sure enough it had, but then I realised I hadn't actually attached them. I think I then got away with not sending them for a good six months lol. I kinda guessed he knew he needed to request this sort of thing but wasn't really too bothered about reading them etc and didn't want to say after so long that he didn't know how to open or download attachments. Eventually, some bright spark (probably Les Mealing from IT lol) showed him where to find the attachments on an email and how to open and download them (thanks Les). So from then on I had to actually meet the Monday deadline lol. I mean I still had to do them anyway for the team to see but it was usually late in the day and it just meant for 6 months I was always the first to email them over (well a blank email anyway). I did tell him years later :-)
Even though Derek had to make tough decisions he was always very much aware that he was dealing with people and you weren't just a number. He would often give people more second chances than they probably deserved if her thought they had potential.
I've kept in touch with Derek over the years even after we both want on to pastures new, as I consider him to be a great friend. Derek was, and still continues to be like a father figure to me and always looks out for my best interests. Even now when he reads one of my Facebook statuses or blog posts (that he likes to pretend he doesn't read) he will ring me and say "Right what's going on?" lol. I know that he will be in my life forever, especially since I need to make sure I get that canteen of cutlery! As they are wheeling him out of his house and into an old folks home, I'll shout "Hang on a minute, I've left my canteen of cutlery in the house, I let him use last week, Bye Derek, I'll come and visit you soon". LOL
I will always be grateful for the lessons Derek taught me and also the great advice he offered, even if I didn't ask for it sometimes, he'd still say in his comical manner "I think you'll find....." and come out with some pearls of wisdom.
Even to this day, Derek can't help correcting you in his comical style. Last night we went for a meal and I ordered a glass of Rose Wine and as soon as the waiter left he said "you didn't need to add the 'WINE' I think he guessed it was Rose WINE" LOL. He's still able to crack me up laughing (he's still got it lol).
Now to finish off this post I need to get an up-to-date picture of Me and Derek with me having hair lol, watch this space.
Thanks, Derek, you are truly one in a million. x