Didn't sleep too well last night in the hotel bed as it wasn't as comfy as mine and I could hear noises all night from the other rooms. Got up early and showered then went down to breakfast. It was a help-yourself buffet style so I made myself bacon on toast and then Nutella on toast. Also sneaked a few twinning tea bags for my tea caddy ;-)
It was nice waking up fresh and not feeling rough after a trade show meal for a change. The food at Alchemist was so nice, I will defo be going to the one in Manchester for food.
The trade show was pretty busy which was nice to see. Let's hope things are picking up and we will get lots of new customers leads from the show. I feel like I have got my mojo back again now and I really want to get stuck in with work when I get home.
I left the show at around 3pm as I had worked out how long it would take to get to Matt's house. Quick change in the car from Work Mode to Tavern Mode...
Matt had a really good setup in his converted garage and it all felt very professional. He interviewed me for his MentalHealth podcast called "Make Time to Talk" for about an hour and 4o mins but it just flew by. It didn't feel like an interview it just felt like we were just chatting. I really want to get a good setup like his (obviously on a smaller budget) for The Tavern Podcast I want to start. Feel free to check out his podcast on Youtube at the green link above. We chatted about everything including, grief, depression, going alcohol-free but the main focus was The Virtual Tavern which kind of touched on those things too. As soon as the episode is released I will put a long on the blog post for that day.

When I nipped to the loo on a break I saw the perfect sign I have been looking for to put in a frame I have in my bathroom. I knew that when I saw the right thing I would just know. This was it and I am going to make my own with a trip advisor logo on it. Watch this space :-)
I can't wait to see how it comes out. Matt is going to edit it all and put together some short teasers too. He was really good at circling back to points that were raised so that they weren't just skipped over. He has a nack.
I drove back straight after the podcast and got home around 8pm.