The usual morning routine woke up around 8am and went and claimed our space on two sunbeds before going to breakfast. Just had a mixed omelette again and 3 thimbles of coffee to make it into an actual regular cup. When we got to our sunbeds somebody had set up camp in the bede thing with a roof on it behind us, which I would usually just presume was for the people on the sunbeds in front as it's so close. Other nationalities don't seem to have the same concept of personal space as we do. I just wondered go and plonk myself behind 2 sunbeds that were clearly taken. To add to it the guy of the couple decided to have his phone playing music which really naffed me off as the pool already has music playing so it was like Chinese water torture trying to tune out one lot of music to listen to the other. They then followed this with one of my pet hates, video chatting in public. I DON'T WANNA KNOW YOUR BUSINESS !!!

Can they BE any closer !! Fumin, I was gonna go under that canopy thing when I got too hot.
Well, I complete one of my goals for the holiday I actually finished my book that only had about 10 pages read when I got here. It's a really good read, so I've passed it to Eddie and told him to try and get through it before we go home. I have written in the front asking people to sign, date and put where they are from in the front of the book and then pass it on when they finish it. Be good to see how far it travels.
Just thought I might add the place you read the book too. If you come across it on your travels be sure to let me know :-)

While we have been here we have chatted to quite a few people and also given a lot f them nicknames so we know who we are referring to lol. So far we have Marilyn who was the first women to chat to us. She's from Salford and reminds me of my mums friend Marilyn. We couldn't remember her name cos I thought she said Chris and Eddie thought she said Viv so as we couldn't decide we've called her Marilyn. There's Laurel and Hardy who are two guys that have worn dark clothes most days, one is tall and skinny and the other is weird square shape. There's Ben & Jerry cos we chatted to them the other night but only remembered he was called Ben and forgot her name, so she became Jerry like the ice cream. There's George Michael, which is actually 2 people, I know one is called Michael cos he was playing the crazy gold game when I was. There's the Twisters, who only met on holiday but we thought they looked like Twin sisters. There's a group of 4, sunset (cos he has a sunset tattoo), Red who has bright red hair, 21 (cos first night she was celebrating her 21st and finally there's Biscuit. He started out as Limp because he was limping, then became limp biscuit and that was shortened to biscuit lol. There's a guy we call Clock cos he has a clock tattoo on his chest. There's B&B which is short for bitch and butch (needs no explanation lol).
I decided to join in one of the activities today and played water polo, it's always a good way to get to know people. Biscuit was playing and so was Sunset and we ended up chatting with them afterward. The twister's daughter was playing too, I'm, not sure which one she belongs to. Chunk tackled me for the ball and his AI wristband scratched right down my ribs and left a right big red scratch. I got straight on the phone to my agent to cancel the photoshoot for the swimwear edition :-)
Marilyn was chatting to us at dinner, she'd been to Marrakech and wasn't impressed 'with all the bleedin mithering from the locals'. I wasn't in any rush to go as I'd done all the tourist stuff when I came on an educational with First Choice and once you've seen one scruffy market you've seen em all. I don't go on the market in Oldham cos I can't be bothered with all the rummaging and everything not being organised, so I'm not gonna spend my holiday doing it.

I took the above pic not to show you the 'vegetable soup', which seemed to be on the menu every day but just a different colour, but to show you the bowl. This is how every single bowl looks, chipped all the way around. You would be hard-pressed to find a bowl with any less th=an about 4 chips in the edges. I don't know what they do with them 'backstage' but someone needs to learn to catch.
Facebook, instagram and whatsapp seemed to be down all day, so wasn't able to upload my blog all day. What were people going to do with their lives? How would my readers cope? Thankfully I was out of the country so didn't have to contend with all the constant phone calls and text messages asking me when it would be online lol.
When we went up to the Entertainment lounge at night we all ended up sitting together with the 4, Dom and Georgia and it ended up being quite a good night. Georgia tipped one of the bar guys so we got table service all night and didn't have to queue. Plus they usually serve you the 'good stuff' if you've tipped them. I must remember that next time I go AI ;-) I think the theme was Salsa dancing for the entertainment but I can't be sure as it just ended up being a dancing free for all. Obviously, I got 10's across the board (in my head). It was probably the latest night we've had, and I actually felt quite drunk for a change.
Tonight's outfits as sported by myself and Miss Kampari :-)
Not sure if Eddie was going for an arty jaunty angle or was just p1ssed. Notice how the pics I take of him are always really good tho? I call sabotage lol.