So I know it’s been a while since I have been active on the old blog but as I am about to embark on a trip to Morocco I thought it would be a good opportunity to get back on it.
Started off with an early start, up at 2am for a quick brew, shower and then head off to the airport. First thing I realised was that I had forgotten the carrier bag containing my traveling clothes, so it looks like I am traveling in the outfit I rocked up to Eddies in last night (tramp). I had literally only been in the outfit for an hour so I didn’t feel too mingin.
We had pre-booked car parking at the Mid Stay T1/T3 car park through holiday extras. It was only a 2 minute walk to the terminal. Th travel clothes I had packed included a long sleeve shirt which would have been a damn sight warmer than the short-sleeved T-shirt I had on, especially since it was raining.
Anyway, it was only that fine rain that soaks you through so didn’t feel too bad. I was more worried about my new hair going frizzy lol. I wish it was that Lon to worry about that.
At the airport, we sailed through check-in and security as it wasn’t that busy. Straight to a cafe for the obligatory bacon butty and a brew. Funnily enough, this is one of the first times I have not indulged in a pint of cider, regardless of the time of day. Boarded pretty much on time and as we only had small hand luggage we just stayed sat down near the gate until the end of the queue got to us. Really didn’t see the point in queuing when we wouldn’t need overhead storage space and we already had our allocated seat. I prefer to just let things happen when I am going on holiday. I never stress about how long a queue is or how slow it is moving, I just don’t see the point. People get themselves es all worked up about stuff they can’t do anything about. Why get yer holiday off to a rubbish star just because you cant just chill?
Once on the flight, we made our way to our seats. I was on the end of a row and then Eddie was across the aisle next to the window. Luckily for us some people were already seated on his row so he just said he didn’t mind sitting in the aisle seat which worked out better for us. We didn’t ’t bother pre-booking our seats as it was only a short flight (just over 3 hours) so if we didn’t end up sat together it was no big deal. The flight flew by and Eddie knew a few of the cabin crew, who were all really friendly. I don’t envy their job they have to put up with all sorts of fools onboard.
There was a guy a few rows in front of me who you just knew was gonna be a knob as soon as he got on. The sort who wears his sunglasses indoors (you know the type). Tall black guy who I think must have tried to book/request extra leg seating. As he had been unsuccessful it was almost like he purposely made sure his legs were always stuck out in the aisle. He got bumped a couple of times and then at the end of the flight I could see him having a moan (still with said sunglasses on). I hope he isn’t at our hotel and has a lovely holiday :-)
Once we were off the flight there was a big hoo-hah because once we entered the terminal building it became evident that we all had to complete an Immigration form. Very frustrating that we couldn’t have done that onboard the flight, as now everybody was trying to find pens to fill them in. I buttered up a lady who had just filled in her form and she let me use hers ;-) Next, the queue for passport control was quite painless and by the time we got through our cases were going around on the carousel. I can spot mine miles away due to all the stickers on it.

Speaking of which I really need a new case but I don't want to lose all the memories from the past 10 years holiday stickers. Do you think it would be possible to get a new case and have it wrapped in a photo fo the old case?
Anyway I digress, the transfer was about 40 minutes across lots of dessert-type roads. Any buildings we came across were all a kind of salmon pink in colour and all looked half-finished. We only had one other drop-off and then arrived at out hotel. Everyone was told to put their cases to one area and then complete the hotel registration form. then someone came round with drinks, which were the usual overly sweet fruit juice that tasted like it was made from a really strong concentrate. This was followed by a small biscuit.
I just love people watching and even more so on holiday. I don't know if it's just us brits or just people in general, but I love watching how people hate to think they are missing out on something. The minute Fatima (that's not her name) came round with the tray of drinks, the wives start nudging their husbands as if to say, 'err make sure we get one'. Then they would take a sip and screw their face up cos it wasn't the alcoholic beverage they were expecting.
Next Mohamed (that was his name lol) came around with the AI wristbands and advised we could go grab lunch. This signaled the starter's pistol for the mad dash to the restaurant. As is the norm on the first sitting at the trough, plates were piled high to make sure they got a bit of everything on offer. Jelly and cream were pilled on top of spag bol and salad, (just in case they ran out). I usually do a first pass getting a small bit of the dishes I like the look of. Once sampled it's back with a clean plate for a full-size portion of the one I liked most.
After food, I was ready for a nap. Sadly the rooms weren't ready yet. It At 3pm we were eventually told we could go to our room. Much to Eddie's anger though when we got there, even though the room was open it was also still as the last occupants had left it. He want best pleased and got straight on the phone. Eventually, the housekeeping lady Kelly (she had a look of Kelly Rowland) came and started the room and explained it would be half an hour, by means of broken English and pointing to Mickey Mouses' hands on her watch to explain how long it would be. 3:45 came and we were into the room for a second time, this time cleaned. The room was perfect for us as it has a large kingsize bed in the main room, then sliding doors that housed another smaller bed with its own drawers, etc and the balcony. As we both snore having the dividng doors was ideal for both of us to block out the other :-) No time to unpack it was straight into the first activity of the week....SLEEP. We were both knackered and wanted to get a few winks.
The view from our balcony..
We had about 4 hours sleep and then got up, unpacked, showered, and went down to dinner. I won't go into too much about the food etc as this one is already a long one and there wont be much excitement to blog about on the rest of the days so I will save some (I bet you can't wait lol)
Straight after dinner, we went up to the entertainment lounge where they had a separate area for people to smoke the Hubbly Bubbly's (shisha pipe things)|.
It was Karaoke and the only people getting up were really loud french Moroccan (or french) girls. So I stuck my name down for one. I wasn't even tipsy cos I swear all the drinks are watered down.
Anyway, we had a few drinks and then we decided to call it a night around 11 pm. The last of the big party animals are leaving the building :-)