I'm not going to lie, the last week or so I feel like I have been on a kind of downward slope. I've been finding it really hard to get back into my 'Rise at 5' routine. I'm lucky if I can get up just before 7 at the mo. Luckily I have my commitment to Layla to do our Yoga at 7am and we have both been delaying it until sometime 8/9am which just makes me feel like I am playing catch up the rest of the day. I can almost feel the dark cloud coming over to visit again and cover up the sunshine above. I'm not sure if it's the anticlimax following from all the planning and the high of the tavern on tour event or the fact I'm on my week two of being off my tablets. It's probably a combination of the two but luckily I start back on my herbal remedy next week.
Posted our first Day of the 30-day photo challenge into all the tavern groups. The hope is if there are others like me in the group that sometimes have low moods, it will give them a daily focus. I always think when you have routine and focus and achieve daily little wins, it helps you start to gather momentum and want to achieve the next thing and the next.
Straight after breakfast, I set off to pick mum up as I had committed myself yesterday to take her to the caravan. It wasn't something I particularly wanted to do as it's a 3 hour round trip, without taking into account petrol, (which mum sometimes doesn't even think about). The whole caravan thing has really started to feel like a bing now because mum doesn't drive and so depends on other people to take her there and back, which ultimately depends on me. It wouldn't be so bad if the campsite allowed dogs as I could stay the weekend when I took her and it would be a break for me too. It was a relatively quick trip as I didn't stay too long so that I wouldn't get caught in the school-run traffic coming back.

Cooking is a big source of therapy for me so I made myself a chicken Chasseur with a veg medley for dinner. I know a lot of single people probably don't go to all the effort for one, but I just cook like it's for 2-4 people and freeze the extra portions.
I think you should always feed yourself the best you can afford and not just settle for junk food because it's quick. I actually enjoy the process of cooking as well as the end result and the eating. I usually start off with a recipe to give me a basic idea of what I need etc, but then I always like to add my own spin to it too.
Took the dogs on a few walks to get out into nature as it always lifts my spirits a bit. Thes pics are of the nature reserve that is just around the corner from my house which has lots of fruit trees growing in it. It's nice to have somewhere you can walk around that's not just the local streets.
Just when we thought everything had calmed down in the tavern, I had just settled in for the night and told Fiona I would have a few games on Call of Duty with her on the PS4, when my phone rang on Facebook messenger. I didn't notice it when it was ringing as I had my headphones on, but then I looked down and saw a message from a taverner saying "It's an emergency|". So that was my downtime gone, I told Fi I would have to abandon the game and deal with whatever it was.
I spoke to the girl from the tavern it turned out that one of the members that were close to Suzanne (the evicted venomous member) also struggled with his own mental health and I think this whole drama might have tipped him over the edge. He'd been speaking to another female member of the tavern and said words to the effect that he was going to take his own life! All the admin team was involved in trying to find out the guy's full name and address. Lots of taverners were messaging me to find out if they could help etc. Eventually, we managed to track down family members but also obtain his address and phone number. The police were sent round to his house where they reported back that he was fine and it was probably alcohol-based. So that was the end of my 'relaxed' night and it was time for bed after I had responded to all the messages to let people know he was okay.
So to those who think "it's just a Facebook group", trust me it's so much more.