Another gorgeous sunny day, despite what the weather app said, so every time I got up to have a break or a coffee from my (as reminded to by my new watch), I try to do a small thing in the garden too.
I've decided that in order to get my gardens to how I want them, instead of thinking of it as a huge project and getting overwhelmed. I am just going to do bits of jobs each day, for example, this morning I trimmed back the mint plant. That way I can see small improvements every day and it will spur me on to do more. Also, it didn't get overgrown overnight so I shouldn't stress over it not getting sorted overnight either. Things usually come down to money though as I need to buy a new membrane for the front to stop this weed coming through that is all over the place. Then I need pots etc and someone to dig out the big plant.
I also started to tidy up the front as it has gotten really overgrown. The big plant in the middle is huge now and really far too big for the garden to the point I can't see anything but that.
Oh, and the hot tub has heated up, result !! so I intend to have some chill time in it this week.
In the front garden I need to jetwash the path, re-paint the white walls and sort this monster of a plant out as it has taken over the front garden. I have put it on Facebook if anybody wants to dig it out they can have it to sell/reuse but so far no takers. Failing that I will just have to hack away at it and try to dig out a small piece of it to put in a large pot to restrict its growth from going mad next time.
I've made a start on tidying up the front too, everytime I go out to the bins with recycling I try to pull up a few weeds or pull out some of the dead leaves from the monster. Buy the way that bright blue paint is next door's house not mine. I went for a subtle white for my rendering.
Indoors purple Patricia has now reached the top of the double cane I put in the pot to help her train herself upwards. I just need the rest of her branches to reach the same height now so she will start to fill out, but she's doing great considering she was just a small cutting from Layla.
Kirsty has been to Mums and pretty much argued about all the fuss etc, got changed and left again. It will probably be tomorrow when she has come round a bit that we will get nice Kirsty back again, so I don't expect to hear from her until then or the day after.
The problem with any kind of addiction is that it's an illness and a rewiring in the brain where logic and reasoning don't really come into it. So I try not to be too angry with her because when she is her normal self she is lovely and it's then I would be able to kind of talk to her. Truth be told though she is not really a talker when it comes to her feeling or things that are going on. Her approach, as I'm sure many people do, is to ignore it for a while in the hope that she won't have to talk about it or deal with it. Well, this hasn't worked in 44 years as a solution so I can't see it working now. I would love her to have counseling so she can process all her feelings and hopefully help her understand why she does the things she does. but it's the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink, so until she decides it's what SHE wants and isn't just doing it for someone else, then it's not gonna happen.
Not gonna lie all this drama has made my mental health take a bit of a dip and I am finding it hard to stay positive. Even on the sunniest of days, there is still that dark cloud in the distance just waiting to cover the sky. I need to get my morning routine back as that has slipped loads and Im not getting up before 8am at the mo, no yoga, no positive mindset. :-/
I completed the 2nd part of the energy drinks market research at Tesco's for an extra £10 reward. I needed to go there anyway for dog food so win-win, it's paid for 2 lots of dog food :-) Any money I get from market research or surveys etc I am going to save the money to go towards my Bali trip. I'm not financially in a great place at the moment but having booked Bali I'm hoping will make me more focused on saving money and not spending it on stuff I dont need.