Had a bit of a lie in compared to normal but still up nice and early. Did Yoga with Layla and then had a coffee and breakfast before taking the dogs out for a walk.

I'm trying to use lots of the packet mixes I have accumulated as well as clear out my freezers, so I decided to use my buffalo wings mix on some chicken breast pieces. I've never really been a fan of anything with bones so it was like having actual buffalo wings but without all the bones and just all the good bit.
Popped up to Andy's to drop his lights off and then ended up attending an impromptu bbq. Took up a beef joint that Id got in the freezer and some red wine and prosecco. Ryan sliced up the beef joint and coated it in a spice rub. It turned out well as we cooked it in foil first and then cooked each slice on the grill for those that wanted it more well done. It was a good afternoon/evening and I still managed to be home by 9:30pm so didn't feel too late.