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Miserable Monday

Considering the amount of alcohol we consumed yesterday, I woke up feeling reasonably okay. I did manage to get home at quite a reasonable time though so got a good amount of sleep which always helps.

One thing I have noticed though is that alcohol wastes several days of productivity after a night out. All my morning routines go out the window, I don't follow my mind maps and be as productive as I am when I haven't been out. I think I use alcohol as a confidence crutch on nights out etc. I am going to try and go on a night out without drinking to see how it differs from going out drinking. I will at least remember all of the night and won't feel rough the next day. I am definitely going to not drink alcohol during the week, even if it's with a meal as it's just something that becomes a habit and you don't really need a glass of wine to enjoy a meal.

I pride myself on the fact that when I get up at 5am all week I gain an extra 2 working days each week. So to then waste days after drinking is pretty counterproductive. I wish I could remember to drink water between drinks so stop me getting too drunk, but it's something that I forget all about once I'm out. If I go out at weekend it can be until Wednesday before I feel back to normal again, that's not good.

I think alcohol actually borrows happiness from the next day, and then at some point, it needs paying back :-/

I didn't go and pick the dogs up either and just spent the day in my PJ's. I miss them when they are not with me though so I am going down to Mum's tomorrow to get them. I just wish they both liked to be cuddled when they are with me, Bonnie really isn't a cuddler and then when I do cuddle Bella, she gets jealous and makes me feel like I am leaving her out.

Had to fill in another claim form for Bonnie as I had originally ticked the box to pay me direct instead of pay the vets, so it has to be submitted again. :-/

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