You just know you sang that.
As I promised I made American Blueberry pancakes for everyone for breakfast (plain ones for Kirsty as she didn't want something sweet for breakfast). They were actually pretty nice if I saw so myself, and I have some batter left for tomorrow. ;-)
I received my Dog supplements for older dogs joints to product test from Tryit. They are both getting on a bit now, Bella is 8 and Bonnie will be 12 this month so joint care is quite a relevant thing for them both, so who wouldn't want to try them for free ;-) Bonnie looks kinda suspicious on her pic lol.
Pretty uneventful day today. Oh had a chat with my friend Tom who has just been diagnosed with ADHD and he said when he was going through the process and they were saying about the various signs etc, the first person he thought of was me lol. He's not the first person to suggest that I may be ADHD and that one of the misdiagnosed symptoms is depression. That might explain why non of the Antidepressants I tried seemed to work. They just made me feel flat and didn't give me the lift I was expecting, to feel like my normal self.
I think it's about £800 to go private and get all the tests done which I don't have right now so will just have to settle for being up and down all the time for now. :-/

Started watching the new series with Stephen Graham (he's suc a good actor) it's called The Walk in and is about far right groups and is based on a true story and featured the manchestet MEN arena bombing and other terror attacks. So far it's pretty good, we watched the first episode then watched episdoe 2 on ITV hub. Will probably finish that this week.