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It's just a bad day

Writer's picture: Neil GreenwoodNeil Greenwood

Woke up this morning with a completely different outlook. I sprung out of bed at 5am and was strict about not using my phone for the first hour. It's a habit I have slipped back into and it just eats into your morning so much. I have been trying to leave my phone on charge at the other end of the bedroom so that a) I don't keep waking up and checking it and b) when my alarm goes off I have to get up to switch it off, insted of reaching for the snooze button.

I think I've realised that a bad day doesn't always have to mean a bad life. Sometimes it's just that, a bad day. I used to let things spiral and let a bad day turn into. a week, month etc and before you know it you think EVERYTHING is going wrong when in fact it's not. It's just a bad day. For whatever reason and it usually starts with the morning. How you start your day has a knock-on affect on how you feel for the rest of the day.

Example A :-

You snooze your alarm a few times, and then nod off, and its usual that you then go into a deep sleep and oversleep. You wake up late and everything is a rush, so when the driver in front on your commute gets sudden arm paralysis and forgets to say thanks, you get angry and frustrated. By the time you reach work you are already angry so the first person that pisses you off in the slightest gets both barrels. Then before you know it every phone call is a bad call, your colleagues annoy you cos they are lazy, Cheryl didn't even bother to get you a coffee when she did the drinks round. The world is against you and you hate you life!

Example B:

You get up at 5am and do your morning routine. You sit down and have a cup of coffee without touching your phone and read the book you've been meaning to read, but 'never have the time'. You do a bit of tidying up so the house is nice to come home to, you put a wash on while you ready your book so it can be in the dryer or on the washing line before you leave for work. You set off in good time, in fact early and because you are in a rush you wave the driver waiting to come out of a side street to go in front. He doesn't wave, but because you are not in a rush or stressed you think that's maybe not because he's rude or an inconsiderate arsehole, but because he is trying to control the kids in the back of the car on the school run and didn't see you wave him in, he just saw a gap and took it. So he is blissfully unaware he needs to thank you for anything. So you getting stressed and wound up would not have affected his day at all because he wasn't looking in his rear mirror for your aggressive hand gestures because he is now back to driving and controlling the kids.

You get to work and your colleagues can see you appear to be in a good mood, which lifts their mood. Cheryl sees you smiling as you walk through the office so thinks "great he's in a good mood it's safe to get him a coffee without him shouting' "Im glad you've got time to grab a drink cos I haven't". Because Cheryl the office moaner is now in a good mood and getting the drinks in with a smile, the mood in the office changes and everyone does really well on sales, so your boss is happy. Suddenly everyone isnt against you and the world is a better place. Not only has your day been better but the people around you have aslo had a good day. That just shows the knock on effect your bad or good morning can have on just a handful of people, never mind the ripple effect of each person's day has on the people they come into contact with.

Now all this said, that doesn't mean I am suddenly all Zen and will never have another bad day. I am a constant work in progress and I'm always trying to tak steps to better myself and improve my mental health and also the way I let things affect me. Nobody's perfect but I'm at least aware that I have work to do, I just have to limit my exposure to negative people as they are able to snap me back into a bad day if I let them.

Today was a really weird day weather-wise as it just kept pouring down then it would stop for 10 mins the sun would come out and you would think it was going to be nice and then next minute it would lash it down again. Previously if I woke up and it was raining it would put me in a really bad mood and I wouldn't want to leave the house. Today, however, I got up at 5am did lots of productive things, and then went into Oldham to get some stuff I needed for my hols. I think because I had already set the tone for the day by being up so early (and it was pretty dark when I got up) the rest of the day seemed easy. It's amazing how making the decision to get up or not at 5am can make a huge difference to my day. On the days I don't get up then, I feel I am behind the day and then I tend to slug around for most the morning not feeling on top of stuff and playing catch up. Also when it rains I now think 'thas the plants sorted' so I don't see it as a bad thing (or try not to lol).

Picked mum up so she could go to the bank and I got my euros for Lanzarote as well as some new boxers and socks (its a ritual lol). I always take new sock and boxers away wiht me and then when I get home thro out muy oldest ones and replace with teh new holidays ones. I usally try to goand but new again to put inot my packing cube so thats one holiday job done in advance. I hadn't done that this time hense the last minute trip to Oldham. Nipped onto Yum Yiums stall to say hi to Amoy as she is so lovely nd always has a smile for everyone. Thre is something about her energy I'm really drawn to.

My new purchase came today. It's for the Tavern but I bought it as its not really an essential purchase. It's a microphone you can plug into your iphone so when you do a video and interview someone it picks up their sound into the mic rather than all the noise. I wanted to get it for the next Tour event so we can do a few interviews with members as they arrive or during the night. Ive got a mic flag (that's the official name) that goes round the mic with the Tavern TV logo on, so it looks like an American TV station mic type thing lol. Hopefully, I will be able to rope some of the team into doing a few interviews too ;-)

Had a chilled night in with my girls and started making my list (mind map) of what I am going to need to pack for Lanzarote. I dont normally worry too much but Im not taking a big case only a cabin bag and rucksack so need to be limited with what I pack. Looking forward to my trip now tomorrow is the Preekend :-) x


Sep 10, 2022

Excellent post Neil. So often I let a bad day become a bad week. I'm going to take on some of your ideas. Might not get the new boxers for holiday though lol

Neil Greenwood
Neil Greenwood
Sep 10, 2022
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LOL yeah maybe go for knickers ;-) If you only take on one tings that helps then it's been worth while writing the post. xx

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