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It's Friday Eve

Managed to get up at 5am this morning and I actually felt so much better for it. I don't know why I have been slacking lately with getting up, I think I have been. suffering a bit from burn out so might have needed the rest.

Got a load of washing done while I was up and about and then sorted my month-end expenses for Feb so that I am all up to date and just have March to do at the end of this month. I have NEVER been this organised with my books, my accountant will wonder what's hit him when I hand then over the first week of April, instead of the usual sometime in Jan panicing lol.

Sent passport info to Elaine at Tavern Travel so she could check us in and sort boarding passes out for Iceland. She is so good and doe everything for you to take away any hassle. So don't forget if you have any hols coming up if you send your enquiry via the Tavern some of the agent's commission will be donated to the tavern to help us donate more money to good causes.

I can't wait for the 5 hour journey down to Layla's on London just to have some quiet time to read and not have to do anything like drive or get on and off trains. I enjoy traveling when I know I have things to read etc.

I christened my air fryer and it seems pretty good it has lots of settings and you can even dehydrate stuff. It even comes with a thing so you can rotisserie a chicken. Defo gonna give that a try.

You can check them out HERE if you want one :-)

Full review to follow.

Right I am off to bed.

G'Night folks.

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