Metaphorically I mean too. Got out in the fresh air and even though just like my mind I could see lots of dark clouds, instead of focusing on those I tried to focus on the blue sky and sun I could just see peeping through. Most of the time I try to. be a positive person and focus on the sun and ignore the dark clouds but the past few days haven't felt easy to do so. BUT that's all in the past I can see the sun this morning and the minute I changed my viewpoint, would you believe it, I got two great emails. The first one from North Bali Conservation to confirm my volunteering place for October which also included some checklist stuff. So the next step is to book a hotel for the Saturday night that we arrive in Bali. the second email was from one of my big customers at a department store to who I'd send images of the new product from Caroline Gardner, saying she wanted to put an order together of all the new stuff. YAY!! Just the lift I needed today.
Received another email to tell me I have been successful in making it onto the team for the next product trial from Savvy Circle The product is another toothpaste, lol typical after just finishing one for Colgate, but I'm not bothered it saves me a bit on my toothpaste shopping bill ool.
Signed up to another site for freebies. It's called Samplico and if you fancy signing up for FREE stuff just click their name in red.
Top Tip:-
Okay so I can't remember if I have already blogged about this but one of my pet hates is food waste. In a world where there aren't enough resources to go around and some countries are lucky enough to have plenty, I think it's awful when we throw food away. So one of the things I do in order to throw away less fruit and veg is to use my freezer as best I can. There are not many things you can't freeze so if I have stuff that needs using up I try and cook a batch of something and freeze it. The other day I had quite a few red peppers that were about to go 'on the turn' and I knew I wouldn't use them all in time. So when I am chopping pepper to use a bit I just chop the whole thing and any others they need using up and put the rest in a freezer bag that I have full of chopped peppers. That way I'm not wasting the rest and also I'd done all the prep for the next time I need peppers for cooking and can just grab a handful from the freezer. I'm sure other people already do this but thought it was worth a mention. Oh and to make double use I took out a load of the seeds from inside teh pepper and let them dry out and then planted some in a couple of pots I had, and look what was happening this morning...
So I am going to have a go at growing some peppers of my own. I did the same the other day with some of the long sweet peppers too and will plant them once these have grown a bit more (so I know which are which). The circle of life eh :-)

I| chased up the court enforcement guys and it turns out the online form I completed hadn't gone through to them, so I completed another and asked them to acknowledge receipt, which they promptly did. The next step will be an email from them with an invoice for the amount to pay to escalate it to a high court writ so that they can then recover the debt. Feels like things are progressing today. oh, and by mid-afternoon the sky was almost all blue and clouds were disappearing :-) Just shows if you focus on what you want and the positives things turn around pretty quick, I don't know why I keep losing sight of that.
Derek came for me at around 7pm and w went over to Stocco in Oldham as he had read my previous review and said he fancied trying it so would take me for dinner, his treat :-) (see some people do read it lol). I always try and have something different each time I go somewhere so this time I had the scallops to start with celariac puree (that reminds me I've got loads of parsnips so might make a puree and freeze it) topped with crispy pancetta and seabass for main.

The starter was gorgeous and really tasty. The main was equally nice although the fish was a little salty for my taste and I do like salt, so defo don't season it before you try it (but why would you, that's one of my pet peeves when people start adding salt and pepper before they have even tried it). I know that everyone likes different seasoning but at least try it before you add any.
Also just wanted to mention that this place is in the centre of Oldham but if you are looking for something in Royton, you have to try Mazzo. I wouldn't want my mate to think I was being disloyal to his superb restaurant, but I do have to review and recommend other places too lol. I did review Mazzo years ago so will go back soon and do a new review now I have a different blog. There you go Mez ;-)
Got home and made us both a coffee and then Derek headed home and I took the dogs out for a walk before bed.
All in all, today was a good day, so went to bed feeling content and blessed for everything I have. :-)